WC37/ct03, WCCC37CT03

TD Martello, Juan Alberto (IA)
Category 10123456789101112131415GMSIMIMCCMCCEScoreWinsSBRGPlace
1CZE130597GMSváček, Pavel2559½½½½1½½½½½½½½½7.5152.2501
2GER83697 Hesse, Olaf2433½½½½½½½½½½½½1½557.515202
3PER400062GMAcevedo Villalba, Angel2524½½½½½½½½½½½1½½7.515202
4SLO480082IMŠivic, Klemen2411½½½½½½½½½½½½½17.5151.7504
5TUR490165GMAkdag, Murat2568½½½½½½½½½½½½½17.5151.7504
6NZL380073GMNoble, Mark F.24650½½½½½½½½½½½½17148.2506
7NED371002SIMKruis, Rob P.2506½½½½½½½½½½½½½½704907
8CFR141475SIMEmelyanov, Mikhail Nikolaevich2543½½½½½½½½½½½½½½704907
9GER81204GMMoll, Reinhard2578½½½½½½½½½½½½½½704907
10SUI100378SIMPfiffner, Peter2481½½½½½½½½½½½½½½704907
11GER83300SIMLins, Thomas2440½½½½½½½½½½½½½½704907
12FRA181038IMLePage, Claude2415½½½½½½½½½½½½½06.5046.25012
13BRA71026IMLizarzaburu, Odilo Blanco2434½½0½½½½½½½½½½½6.5045.5013
14FIN460827IMMuukkonen, Kimmo2477½0½½½½½½½½½½½½6.5045.5013
15GUA720001GMBlanco Gramajo, César Augusto2517½½½000½½½½½1½½6141.75015

Latest results from 10/29/2019 are displayed in red.

Not yet started: 0, Ongoing: 0, Adjudication pending: 0, Finished: 105

The winner and the runner up qualify to the Final of WCCC.

SIM norm achieved by: Hesse, Olaf; Šivic, Klemen

This is a server event.
The start date was 9/20/2017.
There is no end date.
ICCF standard time control 10 moves in 50 days with doubling after 20 days is used.
If a player exceeds allowed thinking time in any way, the player will automatically be scored with a loss. Under some circumstances all of the player’s games will subsequently be cancelled (if not already rated).
45 days of leave per year are available to each player.
There is no special leave in this event.
This tournament allows claims based on the six piece tablebase.
Draw offers are essentially restricted to one offer per player per game (called the Code of Conduct draw rule). See 2017 Playing Rules-Server 2d and/or TD Manual-Server 11.3.3 for details.
Ties are broken by the Baumbach tie breaking rule (see ICCF rule
If needed, adjudicators will be selected by the server.
Other participants can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
The public can see the games only when they are finished, and at least 10 games are finished in the event.
This event is organized by Tani, Gian-Maria.

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