Latest tournaments

This is the list of the latest tournaments started and finished.


1/21/2025 36. Ukraine Championship Final started with 20 players
1/21/2025 Müller-Töpler, Michael has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCE!
1/21/2025 WS/H/1029 started with 7 players
1/21/2025 XXXVI Campeonato Argentino - Final was won by Olmedo, Ariel Eduardo
1/21/2025 Mulder, Daan has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCE!
1/21/2025 Moskow, Eric has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCM!
1/21/2025 WSTT/2/23 - Keres Defence, D06 Group 1 was won by Ekelund Time, Jonatan
1/21/2025 Velde, Meint van der has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCM!
1/20/2025 Malkov, Alexey Borisovich has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCM!
1/20/2025 9th Webchess Open Tournament prel 28 was won by Khanas, Valeriy; Salzmann, Stefan; Vasselon, Christian; Pfeiffer, Oliver
1/20/2025 Castillo Dieguez, Roberto Yoan has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/20/2025 European Server Championship 2023 Semi-Final 6 was won by Ploscaru, Stelian; Ernst, Christoph
1/20/2025 RoW Championship Open Round 46 was won by Movaqar, Bahman; Smalberger, Gert
1/20/2025 Ilzig, Gerhard Gunther has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/20/2025 WS/O/1693 started with 7 players
1/20/2025 WS/M/918 was won by Agramonte Quevedo, Nelson Alejandro
1/20/2025 Toma, Rudolf has achieved a norm for ICCF-SIM!
1/20/2025 Toma, Rudolf has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/20/2025 Zubac, Marius has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/20/2025 Perez, Bruno Garcia has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCM!
1/19/2025 Maia, Vicente Majó da has achieved a norm for ICCF-SIM!
1/19/2025 Maia, Vicente Majó da has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/19/2025 Quiroga Martínez, Jesús has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/19/2025 4th English Veterans Championship Semi-Final A was won by Shaw, Dene
1/19/2025 Natcor RGCT 36405/06 started with 2 players
1/19/2025 Natcor RGCT 36403/04 started with 2 players
1/19/2025 Natcor RGCT 36399/00 started with 2 players
1/19/2025 Natcor RGCT 36397/98 started with 2 players
1/19/2025 Lögler, Holger has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCE!
1/19/2025 ICCF Aspirers Group 450 started with 7 players
1/19/2025 Węglicki, Sławomir has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/19/2025 Abramova, Elena has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCM!
1/19/2025 Chess 960 preliminary 158 was won by Dunlop, Gordon; Maroneze, Bruno; Olivo, Oswaldo; Fałatowicz, Piotr; Fiedor, Paweł
1/19/2025 JCCA Webserver free trial960 No.5 started with 2 players
1/19/2025 Japan Webserver Championship –Preliminary 30 started with 4 players
1/19/2025 Japan Web Ladder/036 started with 2 players
1/18/2025 CCLA Challenge Match 2025 Experimental Section 01 started with 2 players
1/18/2025 Francois Riva Memorial Team Tournament SF 3 Board 4 was won by Różański, Robert
1/18/2025 Holtrop, Bernard has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
1/18/2025 Natcor RGCT 36395/96 started with 2 players

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