2/21/2025 |
Sánchez Carol, Jesús has achieved a norm for ICCF-SIM!
2/21/2025 |
Sánchez Carol, Jesús has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
2/21/2025 |
WS/M/899 was won by Deforel, Jorge Eduardo
2/21/2025 |
Tanti, Joe G. has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
2/21/2025 |
Natcor NBKO 177R1D started with 2 players
2/21/2025 |
Natcor NBKO 177R1C started with 2 players
2/21/2025 |
Natcor NBKO 177R1B started with 2 players
2/21/2025 |
Natcor NBKO 177R1A started with 2 players
2/21/2025 |
TT/1/23 - Sokolsky Opening, A00 was won by Richter, Wolfgang
2/21/2025 |
3rd Inter-Zonal Individual Tournament - Final was won by Wellen, Loyd
2/21/2025 |
Martin, Santiago has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCM!
2/21/2025 |
Lyulin Radulov Memorial started with 15 players
2/21/2025 |
Norway - USA Friendly Match 2023 was won by Norway
2/20/2025 |
Meißner, Rüdiger has achieved a norm for ICCF-SIM!
2/20/2025 |
Meißner, Rüdiger has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
2/20/2025 |
JCCA Webserver free trial No.6 started with 2 players
2/20/2025 |
Evans, Ieuan has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCE!
2/20/2025 |
JCCA Webserver free trial960 No.6 started with 2 players
2/20/2025 |
2024 CCLA Summer Server Series #6 was won by Taylor, Ronald D.
2/19/2025 |
2024 CCLA Spring Server Series #4 was won by Smail, John
2/19/2025 |
Corradini, Romeo has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCE!
2/19/2025 |
Prakash, Om has achieved a norm for ICCF-SIM!
2/19/2025 |
USCF/WS/2025 Absolute started with 13 players
2/19/2025 |
WS/O/1699 started with 7 players
2/19/2025 |
WS/M/973 started with 11 players
2/19/2025 |
Roth Jr., Peter has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!
2/19/2025 |
WS/H/997 was won by Rozumek, Krzysztof
2/19/2025 |
WS/O/1615 was won by Stocker, Christian
2/18/2025 |
Fiedor, Paweł has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCM!
2/18/2025 |
Lagergren, Henry has achieved a norm for ICCF-CCE!
2/18/2025 |
WS/MN/A/47 was won by Husemann, Andreas
2/18/2025 |
WS/MN/B/86 started with 13 players
2/18/2025 |
BRA/Class/TCA2 1 started with 4 players
2/18/2025 |
ICCF Aspirers Group 455 started with 7 players
2/18/2025 |
AEAC W/XVIIICopa/Pr4 started with 7 players
2/18/2025 |
AEAC W/XVIIICopa/Pr3 started with 9 players
2/18/2025 |
AEAC W/XVIIICopa/Pr2 started with 9 players
2/18/2025 |
AEAC W/XVIIICopa/Pr1 started with 9 players
2/18/2025 |
Jauk, Siegfried has achieved a norm for ICCF-SIM!
2/18/2025 |
Jauk, Siegfried has achieved a norm for ICCF-IM!