All games from 2022 CCLA Fall Server Series with status Finished


Young III, William C.Flesher, James White wins 6/24/2023 Go to game
Young III, William C.Chirillo, John Cancelled 12/23/2022 Go to game
Young III, William C.Bapple, Edward C. Black wins 2/1/2023 Go to game
Young III, William C.Hey, Brian Draw 1/3/2023 Go to game
Flesher, JamesYoung III, William C. White wins 2/24/2023 Go to game
Flesher, JamesChirillo, John Cancelled 12/23/2022 Go to game
Flesher, JamesBapple, Edward C. Draw 7/29/2023 Go to game
Flesher, JamesHey, Brian Draw 4/27/2023 Go to game
Chirillo, JohnYoung III, William C. Cancelled 12/23/2022 Go to game
Chirillo, JohnFlesher, James Cancelled 12/23/2022 Go to game
Chirillo, JohnBapple, Edward C. Cancelled 12/23/2022 Go to game
Chirillo, JohnHey, Brian White wins 12/22/2022 Go to game
Bapple, Edward C.Young III, William C. Draw 1/21/2023 Go to game
Bapple, Edward C.Flesher, James White wins 7/30/2023 Go to game
Bapple, Edward C.Chirillo, John Cancelled 12/23/2022 Go to game
Bapple, Edward C.Hey, Brian White wins 4/11/2023 Go to game
Hey, BrianYoung III, William C. White wins 12/8/2022 Go to game
Hey, BrianFlesher, James Draw 5/14/2023 Go to game
Hey, BrianChirillo, John Cancelled 12/23/2022 Go to game
Hey, BrianBapple, Edward C. Black wins 1/3/2023 Go to game

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