All games from 2022 CCLA Fall Server Series - Sec 2 with status Finished


Catania, DuaneZarges, Ron V. Draw 1/12/2023 Go to game
Catania, DuaneSmail, John Draw 1/10/2023 Go to game
Catania, DuaneCivan, Ethan D. White wins 2/28/2023 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Catania, Duane Black wins 12/21/2022 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Smail, John Draw 2/20/2023 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Civan, Ethan D. Draw 2/16/2023 Go to game
Smail, JohnCatania, Duane Black wins 2/10/2023 Go to game
Smail, JohnZarges, Ron V. White wins 2/20/2023 Go to game
Smail, JohnCivan, Ethan D. White wins 2/27/2023 Go to game
Civan, Ethan D.Catania, Duane White wins 3/8/2023 Go to game
Civan, Ethan D.Zarges, Ron V. Draw 6/7/2023 Go to game
Civan, Ethan D.Smail, John Black wins 3/8/2023 Go to game

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