All games from USCF/WS/23W33 with status Finished


Letellier, JamesReeves, Mark White wins 1/10/2024 Go to game
Letellier, JamesStrobehn, Alex Black wins 5/13/2024 Go to game
Letellier, JamesGoellner, Gregory White wins 1/10/2024 Go to game
Reeves, MarkLetellier, James Black wins 3/9/2024 Go to game
Reeves, MarkStrobehn, Alex Black wins 5/3/2024 Go to game
Reeves, MarkGoellner, Gregory White wins 1/19/2024 Go to game
Strobehn, AlexLetellier, James White wins 6/2/2024 Go to game
Strobehn, AlexReeves, Mark White wins 5/19/2024 Go to game
Strobehn, AlexGoellner, Gregory White wins 1/9/2024 Go to game
Goellner, GregoryLetellier, James Black wins 1/12/2024 Go to game
Goellner, GregoryReeves, Mark Black wins 1/14/2024 Go to game
Goellner, GregoryStrobehn, Alex Black wins 1/26/2024 Go to game

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