All games from I Friends of Caissa International Open Tournament Section 28 with status Finished


Kołodziejski, MarcinCofer, David Draw 4/13/2024 Go to game
Pawelczyk, ŁukaszKołodziejski, Marcin Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Kołodziejski, MarcinKanbur, Uddhav Draw 3/12/2024 Go to game
Nouveau, LaurentKołodziejski, Marcin Draw 4/11/2024 Go to game
Kołodziejski, MarcinSchubert, Steffen Draw 2/14/2024 Go to game
Bommel, Tonny vanKołodziejski, Marcin Draw 6/12/2024 Go to game
Kołodziejski, MarcinStaniloiu, Ioana White wins 8/4/2024 Go to game
Knöppel, BjörnKołodziejski, Marcin Draw 3/5/2024 Go to game
Kołodziejski, MarcinPortych, Václav Draw 5/19/2024 Go to game
Rodriguez Zas, Jose AlejandroKołodziejski, Marcin Draw 2/6/2024 Go to game
Kołodziejski, MarcinProbstfeld, Bernd Draw 2/25/2024 Go to game
Lanin, Boris AleksandrovichKołodziejski, Marcin Draw 7/1/2024 Go to game
Cofer, DavidPawelczyk, Łukasz Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Kanbur, UddhavCofer, David White wins 7/31/2024 Go to game
Cofer, DavidNouveau, Laurent Draw 4/11/2024 Go to game
Schubert, SteffenCofer, David Draw 5/24/2024 Go to game
Cofer, DavidBommel, Tonny van Draw 5/13/2024 Go to game
Staniloiu, IoanaCofer, David White wins 9/6/2024 Go to game
Cofer, DavidKnöppel, Björn Draw 4/2/2024 Go to game
Portych, VáclavCofer, David White wins 8/10/2024 Go to game
Cofer, DavidRodriguez Zas, Jose Alejandro Black wins 6/7/2024 Go to game
Probstfeld, BerndCofer, David Draw 4/28/2024 Go to game
Cofer, DavidLanin, Boris Aleksandrovich Draw 7/11/2024 Go to game
Pawelczyk, ŁukaszKanbur, Uddhav Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Nouveau, LaurentPawelczyk, Łukasz Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Pawelczyk, ŁukaszSchubert, Steffen Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Bommel, Tonny vanPawelczyk, Łukasz Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Pawelczyk, ŁukaszStaniloiu, Ioana Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Knöppel, BjörnPawelczyk, Łukasz Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Pawelczyk, ŁukaszPortych, Václav Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Rodriguez Zas, Jose AlejandroPawelczyk, Łukasz Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Pawelczyk, ŁukaszProbstfeld, Bernd Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Lanin, Boris AleksandrovichPawelczyk, Łukasz Cancelled 3/21/2024 Go to game
Kanbur, UddhavNouveau, Laurent Draw 4/5/2024 Go to game
Schubert, SteffenKanbur, Uddhav Draw 3/17/2024 Go to game
Kanbur, UddhavBommel, Tonny van Draw 5/2/2024 Go to game
Staniloiu, IoanaKanbur, Uddhav Draw 5/1/2024 Go to game
Kanbur, UddhavKnöppel, Björn Draw 5/2/2024 Go to game
Portych, VáclavKanbur, Uddhav Draw 5/16/2024 Go to game
Kanbur, UddhavRodriguez Zas, Jose Alejandro Draw 3/20/2024 Go to game
Probstfeld, BerndKanbur, Uddhav Draw 4/21/2024 Go to game
Kanbur, UddhavLanin, Boris Aleksandrovich Draw 7/19/2024 Go to game
Nouveau, LaurentSchubert, Steffen Draw 2/28/2024 Go to game
Bommel, Tonny vanNouveau, Laurent Draw 6/10/2024 Go to game
Nouveau, LaurentStaniloiu, Ioana Draw 6/13/2024 Go to game
Knöppel, BjörnNouveau, Laurent Draw 5/3/2024 Go to game
Nouveau, LaurentPortych, Václav Draw 4/29/2024 Go to game
Rodriguez Zas, Jose AlejandroNouveau, Laurent Draw 2/19/2024 Go to game
Nouveau, LaurentProbstfeld, Bernd Draw 4/21/2024 Go to game
Lanin, Boris AleksandrovichNouveau, Laurent Black wins 9/9/2024 Go to game


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