All games from AEAC W/A/224 with status Finished


Ciruelos Clerencia, Juan ManuelPiera i Arbat, Joaquím Black wins 7/13/2024 Go to game
Nicolás Andreu, RosendoCiruelos Clerencia, Juan Manuel Black wins 10/23/2024 Go to game
Ciruelos Clerencia, Juan ManuelMonreal Godina, José Daniel Black wins 9/25/2024 Go to game
Martínez Muñoz, Juan M.Ciruelos Clerencia, Juan Manuel White wins 6/30/2024 Go to game
Ciruelos Clerencia, Juan ManuelCalvo Muro, Roberto Cancelled 7/18/2024 Go to game
Ramos Mora, Juan LuisCiruelos Clerencia, Juan Manuel Draw 10/17/2024 Go to game
Piera i Arbat, JoaquímNicolás Andreu, Rosendo White wins 11/25/2024 Go to game
Monreal Godina, José DanielPiera i Arbat, Joaquím Black wins 10/15/2024 Go to game
Piera i Arbat, JoaquímMartínez Muñoz, Juan M. White wins 6/22/2024 Go to game
Calvo Muro, RobertoPiera i Arbat, Joaquím Cancelled 7/18/2024 Go to game
Piera i Arbat, JoaquímRamos Mora, Juan Luis White wins 9/15/2024 Go to game
Martínez Muñoz, Juan M.Nicolás Andreu, Rosendo White wins 10/2/2024 Go to game
Nicolás Andreu, RosendoCalvo Muro, Roberto Cancelled 7/18/2024 Go to game
Ramos Mora, Juan LuisNicolás Andreu, Rosendo White wins 12/19/2024 Go to game
Monreal Godina, José DanielMartínez Muñoz, Juan M. White wins 8/22/2024 Go to game
Calvo Muro, RobertoMonreal Godina, José Daniel Cancelled 7/18/2024 Go to game
Martínez Muñoz, Juan M.Calvo Muro, Roberto Cancelled 7/18/2024 Go to game
Ramos Mora, Juan LuisMartínez Muñoz, Juan M. Draw 8/11/2024 Go to game
Calvo Muro, RobertoRamos Mora, Juan Luis Cancelled 7/18/2024 Go to game

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