All games from States and Regions CCC 2024 Division Two Board 4 with status Ongoing


Costa Trillo, Valentíndel Giudice, Fabio
del Giudice, FabioObana, Servillano jr
Rodriguez Zas, Jose AlejandroCosta Trillo, Valentín
Obana, Servillano jrRodriguez Zas, Jose Alejandro
Scaffidi, FrancescoGorbunov, Evgeny Alekseevich
Costa Trillo, ValentínScaffidi, Francesco
Scaffidi, FrancescoObana, Servillano jr
Gorbunov, Evgeny AlekseevichJones, Gareth
Elwood, DavidJones, Gareth
Jones, GarethCosta Trillo, Valentín
Obana, Servillano jrJones, Gareth
Evans, IeuanGorbunov, Evgeny Alekseevich
Gorbunov, Evgeny AlekseevichElwood, David
Costa Trillo, ValentínGorbunov, Evgeny Alekseevich
Gorbunov, Evgeny AlekseevichGerhards, Guntis
Gorbunov, Evgeny AlekseevichObana, Servillano jr
Horváth, SzilárdEvans, Ieuan
Horváth, SzilárdCosta Trillo, Valentín
Obana, Servillano jrHorváth, Szilárd
Costa Trillo, ValentínMoskow, Eric
Evans, IeuanCosta Trillo, Valentín
Obana, Servillano jrEvans, Ieuan
Elwood, DavidGerhards, Guntis
Elwood, DavidObana, Servillano jr
Gerhards, GuntisCosta Trillo, Valentín
Costa Trillo, ValentínRicafort, Kleizmer
Obana, Servillano jrCosta Trillo, Valentín
Gerhards, GuntisObana, Servillano jr

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