All games from ICCF World Cup 24 Pre 83 with status Ongoing


Mur Saludas, Miguel AngelHohlbein, Michael Go to game
Hohlbein, MichaelCazelais, Marc Go to game
Yakovlyev, SergiyDeforel, Jorge Eduardo Go to game
Yakovlyev, SergiyMur Saludas, Miguel Angel Go to game
Cazelais, MarcYakovlyev, Sergiy Go to game
Colazingari, DavideDeforel, Jorge Eduardo Go to game
Mur Saludas, Miguel AngelDeforel, Jorge Eduardo Go to game
Deforel, Jorge EduardoCazelais, Marc Go to game
Ryan, DanielDeforel, Jorge Eduardo Go to game
Wernke-Schmiesing, SebastianMur Saludas, Miguel Angel Go to game
Cazelais, MarcWernke-Schmiesing, Sebastian Go to game
Mur Saludas, Miguel AngelColazingari, Davide Go to game
Colazingari, DavideCazelais, Marc Go to game
Rogers, BradleyMur Saludas, Miguel Angel Go to game
Cazelais, MarcRogers, Bradley Go to game
Mur Saludas, Miguel AngelCazelais, Marc Go to game
Ryan, DanielMur Saludas, Miguel Angel Go to game
Cazelais, MarcRyan, Daniel Go to game

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