All games from Latvia - Sweden (server) with status Finished


Avotinš, MaigonisBennborn, Jan Black wins 6/23/2008 Go to game
Bennborn, JanAvotinš, Maigonis Black wins 7/8/2009 Go to game
Saksis, JurisSandström, Börje Draw 2/2/2008 Go to game
Sandström, BörjeSaksis, Juris Draw 2/2/2008 Go to game
Plenkovs, AivarsBagger, Eric Draw 9/26/2008 Go to game
Bagger, EricPlenkovs, Aivars White wins 9/26/2008 Go to game
Valeinis, JanisLindström, Bo Draw 11/17/2007 Go to game
Lindström, BoValeinis, Janis Draw 10/31/2007 Go to game
Korzans, VilmarsRilberg, Stefan White wins 1/22/2009 Go to game
Rilberg, StefanKorzans, Vilmars Black wins 7/27/2008 Go to game
Pulkis, GunarsIvegård, Börje White wins 8/13/2007 Go to game
Ivegård, BörjePulkis, Gunars Black wins 12/17/2007 Go to game
Cimins, AlbertsLindqvist, Bengt Draw 8/11/2007 Go to game
Lindqvist, BengtCimins, Alberts White wins 11/19/2007 Go to game
Borisovs, LeonidsJohansson, Bror-Eric Draw 6/30/2007 Go to game
Johansson, Bror-EricBorisovs, Leonids Draw 7/7/2007 Go to game
Klimakovs, SergejsBäckström, Mikael White wins 2/23/2008 Go to game
Bäckström, MikaelKlimakovs, Sergejs Black wins 5/1/2008 Go to game
Kurpnieks, VairisEriksson, Roland Draw 7/5/2008 Go to game
Eriksson, RolandKurpnieks, Vairis Draw 9/26/2008 Go to game
Strodans, DzintarsMelander, Birger Black wins 3/29/2008 Go to game
Melander, BirgerStrodans, Dzintars White wins 2/11/2008 Go to game
Pavlovs, SergejsColin, Sonny Draw 12/28/2007 Go to game
Colin, SonnyPavlovs, Sergejs Draw 3/13/2008 Go to game
Limanskis, NikolajsMoborn, Anders Draw 9/2/2007 Go to game
Moborn, AndersLimanskis, Nikolajs Draw 9/1/2007 Go to game
Mačs, OsvaldsSwahnberg, Lars Draw 11/17/2007 Go to game
Swahnberg, LarsMačs, Osvalds White wins 5/16/2008 Go to game
Beltins, GunarsEkelund, Kurt White wins 4/21/2008 Go to game
Ekelund, KurtBeltins, Gunars Black wins 12/9/2007 Go to game
Gobleja, KarlisPettersson, Thomas White wins 9/10/2009 Go to game
Pettersson, ThomasGobleja, Karlis Draw 10/10/2008 Go to game
Saule, ZigfridsHjortstam, Kurt Draw 10/30/2007 Go to game
Hjortstam, KurtSaule, Zigfrids Draw 10/30/2007 Go to game
Abolina, Mrs. MarutaJohansson, Jan Draw 11/7/2008 Go to game
Johansson, JanAbolina, Mrs. Maruta Black wins 1/1/2008 Go to game
Gerhards, GuntisSilfver, Tomas Black wins 10/8/2007 Go to game
Silfver, TomasGerhards, Guntis Black wins 11/9/2007 Go to game
Smirnovs, AleksandrsNilsson, Nils Åke White wins 3/29/2008 Go to game
Nilsson, Nils ÅkeSmirnovs, Aleksandrs Draw 2/3/2008 Go to game
Grasis, JanisVogel, Ulf Augustin Draw 8/23/2007 Go to game
Vogel, Ulf AugustinGrasis, Janis Draw 10/29/2007 Go to game
Plume, GunarsLarsson, Stig Black wins 8/7/2007 Go to game
Larsson, StigPlume, Gunars White wins 11/3/2007 Go to game
Blumbergs, IngusMalmström, Jan White wins 5/29/2008 Go to game
Malmström, JanBlumbergs, Ingus Black defaulted 9/19/2008 Go to game
Boreisis, VitautsOinonen, Ari White wins 5/27/2008 Go to game
Oinonen, AriBoreisis, Vitauts Black wins 8/20/2008 Go to game
Cirulis, IlmarsHedlund, Per Black wins 8/5/2008 Go to game
Hedlund, PerCirulis, Ilmars Draw 2/11/2008 Go to game


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