All games from ICCF Olympiad 17 Preliminaries - Section 02 Board 2 with status Finished


Kösebay, OsmanBorwell, Alan P. White wins 1/4/2008 Go to game
Borwell, Alan P.Müller, Gerhard (Osnabrück) Black wins 2/17/2007 Go to game
Ljubičić, AnteBorwell, Alan P. White wins 3/4/2007 Go to game
Borwell, Alan P.Rivas Romero, Guillermo Draw 2/6/2007 Go to game
Guevara, Francisco JavierBorwell, Alan P. White wins 9/11/2007 Go to game
Borwell, Alan P.Farkas, Zsolt Black wins 1/22/2007 Go to game
Kokkila, TeroBorwell, Alan P. White wins 4/6/2007 Go to game
Borwell, Alan P.Guizar, Clemente Black wins 9/11/2007 Go to game
Chiru, Ioan CălinBorwell, Alan P. White wins 5/10/2007 Go to game
Borwell, Alan P.Hynes, Wayne Black wins 3/26/2007 Go to game
Müller, Gerhard (Osnabrück)Kösebay, Osman Draw 4/30/2006 Go to game
Kösebay, OsmanLjubičić, Ante Draw 7/7/2007 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoKösebay, Osman Draw 5/22/2007 Go to game
Kösebay, OsmanGuevara, Francisco Javier Black wins 9/29/2007 Go to game
Farkas, ZsoltKösebay, Osman White wins 4/29/2007 Go to game
Kösebay, OsmanKokkila, Tero Draw 1/20/2007 Go to game
Guizar, ClementeKösebay, Osman White wins 9/28/2008 Go to game
Kösebay, OsmanChiru, Ioan Călin White wins 3/29/2007 Go to game
Hynes, WayneKösebay, Osman White wins 10/8/2006 Go to game
Ljubičić, AnteMüller, Gerhard (Osnabrück) Draw 12/6/2006 Go to game
Müller, Gerhard (Osnabrück)Rivas Romero, Guillermo White wins 2/14/2007 Go to game
Guevara, Francisco JavierMüller, Gerhard (Osnabrück) Black wins 12/17/2006 Go to game
Müller, Gerhard (Osnabrück)Farkas, Zsolt White wins 12/11/2006 Go to game
Kokkila, TeroMüller, Gerhard (Osnabrück) Draw 11/29/2006 Go to game
Müller, Gerhard (Osnabrück)Guizar, Clemente White wins 6/24/2007 Go to game
Chiru, Ioan CălinMüller, Gerhard (Osnabrück) Black wins 5/15/2007 Go to game
Müller, Gerhard (Osnabrück)Hynes, Wayne White wins 8/2/2007 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoLjubičić, Ante Black wins 12/11/2006 Go to game
Ljubičić, AnteGuevara, Francisco Javier White wins 10/29/2006 Go to game
Farkas, ZsoltLjubičić, Ante Draw 2/25/2007 Go to game
Ljubičić, AnteKokkila, Tero White wins 7/13/2007 Go to game
Guizar, ClementeLjubičić, Ante Black wins 4/4/2006 Go to game
Ljubičić, AnteBreahnă, Radu Draw 1/24/2007 Go to game
Hynes, WayneLjubičić, Ante Draw 12/16/2006 Go to game
Guevara, Francisco JavierSosa Patino, Carlos Black wins 8/31/2006 Go to game
Sosa Patino, CarlosFarkas, Zsolt Draw 2/20/2006 Go to game
Kokkila, TeroRivas Romero, Guillermo Draw 7/14/2007 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoGuizar, Clemente Draw 11/8/2007 Go to game
Chiru, Ioan CălinRivas Romero, Guillermo Draw 7/24/2007 Go to game
Sosa Patino, CarlosHynes, Wayne Draw 6/17/2006 Go to game
Farkas, ZsoltGuevara, Francisco Javier White wins 4/9/2007 Go to game
Guevara, Francisco JavierKokkila, Tero White wins 8/2/2007 Go to game
Guizar, ClementeGuevara, Francisco Javier Draw 5/22/2006 Go to game
Guevara, Francisco JavierChiru, Ioan Călin Black wins 9/27/2007 Go to game
Hynes, WayneGuevara, Francisco Javier White wins 6/24/2006 Go to game
Kokkila, TeroFarkas, Zsolt Draw 10/8/2006 Go to game
Farkas, ZsoltGuizar, Clemente White wins 8/4/2007 Go to game
Chiru, Ioan CălinFarkas, Zsolt Draw 4/13/2007 Go to game
Farkas, ZsoltHynes, Wayne Draw 9/28/2006 Go to game
Guizar, ClementeKokkila, Tero Black wins 6/15/2008 Go to game


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