All games from XIV Campeonato Nacional-Final with status Finished


Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoRouse Pasara, Calvin White wins 8/26/2007 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo White wins 2/10/2008 Go to game
Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoRivas Mongrut, Guillermo White wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo White wins 10/14/2007 Go to game
Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoSolari, Aldo Draw 6/16/2008 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo Draw 1/14/2008 Go to game
Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoMoreno, Alberto Black wins 12/7/2008 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo Draw 11/2/2009 Go to game
Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoCillóniz Razzeto, Alfredo Black wins 1/16/2009 Go to game
Ojeda, José LuisCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo Draw 3/12/2008 Go to game
Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoDe la Calle, Israel Draw 8/10/2007 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo White wins 2/9/2009 Go to game
Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoCusicanqui, Marco Black wins 5/29/2009 Go to game
Castro Salguero, RobertCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo White wins 1/16/2008 Go to game
Rouse Pasara, CalvinAlzola, Enrique Draw 1/24/2008 Go to game
Rivas Mongrut, GuillermoRouse Pasara, Calvin White wins 11/4/2007 Go to game
Rouse Pasara, CalvinMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo Black wins 9/1/2007 Go to game
Solari, AldoRouse Pasara, Calvin Draw 6/17/2008 Go to game
Rouse Pasara, CalvinRivas Romero, Guillermo Black wins 8/6/2007 Go to game
Moreno, AlbertoRouse Pasara, Calvin Draw 1/12/2009 Go to game
Rouse Pasara, CalvinYui Pineda, Gerardo Black wins 1/27/2008 Go to game
Cillóniz Razzeto, AlfredoRouse Pasara, Calvin White wins 8/3/2007 Go to game
Rouse Pasara, CalvinOjeda, José Luis Draw 12/2/2007 Go to game
De la Calle, IsraelRouse Pasara, Calvin White wins 8/6/2007 Go to game
Rouse Pasara, CalvinFiglio, Gino Franco Black wins 9/17/2007 Go to game
Cusicanqui, MarcoRouse Pasara, Calvin White wins 10/14/2007 Go to game
Rouse Pasara, CalvinCastro Salguero, Robert Black wins 8/3/2007 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueRivas Mongrut, Guillermo White wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
Muñoz Portugal, GuillermoAlzola, Enrique Black wins 1/24/2008 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueSolari, Aldo Draw 9/27/2008 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoAlzola, Enrique White wins 10/25/2007 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueMoreno, Alberto Draw 1/21/2009 Go to game
Yui Pineda, GerardoAlzola, Enrique Draw 6/10/2009 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueCillóniz Razzeto, Alfredo White wins 9/15/2008 Go to game
Ojeda, José LuisAlzola, Enrique White wins 2/2/2008 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueDe la Calle, Israel Draw 9/11/2007 Go to game
Figlio, Gino FrancoAlzola, Enrique White wins 1/18/2009 Go to game
Alzola, EnriqueCusicanqui, Marco Black wins 5/25/2008 Go to game
Castro Salguero, RobertAlzola, Enrique Draw 5/5/2008 Go to game
Rivas Mongrut, GuillermoMuñoz Portugal, Guillermo Black wins 12/6/2007 Go to game
Solari, AldoRivas Mongrut, Guillermo White wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
Rivas Mongrut, GuillermoRivas Romero, Guillermo Black wins 9/1/2007 Go to game
Moreno, AlbertoRivas Mongrut, Guillermo White wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
Rivas Mongrut, GuillermoYui Pineda, Gerardo Black wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
Cillóniz Razzeto, AlfredoRivas Mongrut, Guillermo White wins 11/1/2007 Go to game
Rivas Mongrut, GuillermoOjeda, José Luis Black wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
De la Calle, IsraelRivas Mongrut, Guillermo White wins 11/3/2007 Go to game
Rivas Mongrut, GuillermoFiglio, Gino Franco Black wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
Cusicanqui, MarcoRivas Mongrut, Guillermo White wins 4/14/2008 Go to game
Rivas Mongrut, GuillermoCastro Salguero, Robert Black wins 4/14/2008 Go to game


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