All games from Champions League 2007 B Group 1 Board 2 with status Finished


Agomeri, GianlucaStalmach, Kamil Draw 5/4/2008 Go to game
Stalmach, KamilMego, Peter White wins 1/2/2009 Go to game
Muschalek, IngoStalmach, Kamil Draw 6/23/2008 Go to game
Stalmach, KamilPercze, János Draw 6/21/2008 Go to game
Gaujens, ArtisStalmach, Kamil Draw 4/19/2009 Go to game
Stalmach, KamilStephan, Jürgen White wins 1/31/2009 Go to game
Bubir, Alex NikolaevichStalmach, Kamil Draw 4/16/2008 Go to game
Stalmach, KamilProkopp, Heinz White wins 1/1/2008 Go to game
Schramm, AlexanderStalmach, Kamil Draw 3/7/2008 Go to game
Stalmach, KamilOffenborn, Heinz White wins 9/9/2008 Go to game
Mego, PeterAgomeri, Gianluca Draw 6/21/2008 Go to game
Agomeri, GianlucaMuschalek, Ingo Draw 8/28/2008 Go to game
Percze, JánosAgomeri, Gianluca White wins 7/31/2008 Go to game
Agomeri, GianlucaGaujens, Artis Draw 7/26/2008 Go to game
Stephan, JürgenAgomeri, Gianluca White wins 8/15/2008 Go to game
Agomeri, GianlucaBubir, Alex Nikolaevich Draw 7/19/2008 Go to game
Prokopp, HeinzAgomeri, Gianluca Black wins 7/20/2008 Go to game
Agomeri, GianlucaSchramm, Alexander Draw 7/23/2008 Go to game
Offenborn, HeinzAgomeri, Gianluca Draw 8/15/2008 Go to game
Muschalek, IngoMego, Peter Draw 5/16/2008 Go to game
Mego, PeterPercze, János Draw 6/11/2008 Go to game
Gaujens, ArtisMego, Peter Draw 10/23/2008 Go to game
Mego, PeterStephan, Jürgen Draw 9/3/2008 Go to game
Bubir, Alex NikolaevichMego, Peter White wins 12/4/2008 Go to game
Mego, PeterProkopp, Heinz White wins 1/29/2008 Go to game
Schramm, AlexanderMego, Peter White wins 9/10/2008 Go to game
Mego, PeterOffenborn, Heinz Draw 6/6/2008 Go to game
Percze, JánosMuschalek, Ingo Draw 1/15/2009 Go to game
Muschalek, IngoGaujens, Artis White wins 12/7/2008 Go to game
Stephan, JürgenMuschalek, Ingo Draw 7/21/2008 Go to game
Muschalek, IngoBubir, Alex Nikolaevich Draw 11/8/2008 Go to game
Prokopp, HeinzMuschalek, Ingo Black wins 5/29/2008 Go to game
Muschalek, IngoSchramm, Alexander Draw 8/10/2008 Go to game
Offenborn, HeinzMuschalek, Ingo Black wins 11/13/2008 Go to game
Gaujens, ArtisPercze, János Draw 10/19/2008 Go to game
Percze, JánosStephan, Jürgen Draw 11/9/2008 Go to game
Bubir, Alex NikolaevichPercze, János Black wins 6/19/2009 Go to game
Percze, JánosProkopp, Heinz White wins 12/18/2007 Go to game
Schramm, AlexanderPercze, János White wins 7/20/2008 Go to game
Percze, JánosOffenborn, Heinz Draw 12/15/2008 Go to game
Stephan, JürgenGaujens, Artis White wins 7/9/2008 Go to game
Gaujens, ArtisBubir, Alex Nikolaevich Black wins 2/16/2010 Go to game
Prokopp, HeinzGaujens, Artis Draw 4/22/2008 Go to game
Gaujens, ArtisSchramm, Alexander Black wins 12/31/2008 Go to game
Offenborn, HeinzGaujens, Artis White wins 2/19/2009 Go to game
Bubir, Alex NikolaevichStephan, Jürgen Black wins 10/26/2008 Go to game
Stephan, JürgenProkopp, Heinz White wins 1/1/2008 Go to game
Schramm, AlexanderStephan, Jürgen Draw 7/10/2008 Go to game
Stephan, JürgenOffenborn, Heinz Draw 7/9/2008 Go to game
Prokopp, HeinzBubir, Alex Nikolaevich Black wins 2/2/2008 Go to game


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