All games from World Championship 22 Final with status Finished


Murray, TimMachýček, Lubomír Draw by adjudication 9/2/2009 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidMurray, Tim Draw 3/11/2009 Go to game
Murray, TimBlanco Gramajo, César Augusto White wins 8/2/2009 Go to game
Oosterom, Joop J. vanMurray, Tim White wins 10/3/2009 Go to game
Murray, TimFirnhaber, Ingo White wins 11/1/2009 Go to game
Dronov, Aleksandr SurenovichMurray, Tim Draw 3/27/2010 Go to game
Murray, TimKurth, Wilfried White wins 4/21/2009 Go to game
Sasvári, TamásMurray, Tim Draw 9/6/2009 Go to game
Murray, TimMyers, David R. White wins 8/16/2008 Go to game
Drake Díez de Rivera, PedroMurray, Tim Draw 4/7/2008 Go to game
Murray, TimBücker, Jürgen Black wins 5/6/2009 Go to game
Buraschi, OsvaldoMurray, Tim White wins 10/3/2009 Go to game
Murray, TimMikeshin, Sergey Alekseevich Draw 1/18/2009 Go to game
Oliveira, Márcio Barbosa deMurray, Tim Draw 6/15/2009 Go to game
Murray, TimKukk, Raul Draw 10/3/2009 Go to game
Holmberg, RuneMurray, Tim Draw 6/2/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírVrkoč, David Black wins 4/8/2009 Go to game
Blanco Gramajo, César AugustoMachýček, Lubomír White wins 4/13/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírOosterom, Joop J. van Draw 2/12/2009 Go to game
Firnhaber, IngoMachýček, Lubomír Draw 2/28/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírDronov, Aleksandr Surenovich Black wins 1/3/2009 Go to game
Kurth, WilfriedMachýček, Lubomír White wins by adjudication 9/2/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírSasvári, Tamás Black wins by adjudication 9/2/2009 Go to game
Myers, David R.Machýček, Lubomír White wins 5/10/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírDrake Díez de Rivera, Pedro Draw 3/16/2009 Go to game
Bücker, JürgenMachýček, Lubomír White wins 1/9/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírBuraschi, Osvaldo Black wins 6/16/2009 Go to game
Mikeshin, Sergey AlekseevichMachýček, Lubomír Draw by adjudication 9/2/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírOliveira, Márcio Barbosa de Draw by adjudication 9/2/2009 Go to game
Kukk, RaulMachýček, Lubomír White wins by adjudication 9/2/2009 Go to game
Machýček, LubomírHolmberg, Rune White wins 8/25/2008 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidBlanco Gramajo, César Augusto White wins 6/1/2009 Go to game
Oosterom, Joop J. vanVrkoč, David Draw 3/27/2010 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidFirnhaber, Ingo White wins 9/1/2009 Go to game
Dronov, Aleksandr SurenovichVrkoč, David White wins 1/4/2010 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidKurth, Wilfried Draw 9/14/2009 Go to game
Sasvári, TamásVrkoč, David Draw 3/3/2010 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidMyers, David R. White wins 9/1/2008 Go to game
Drake Díez de Rivera, PedroVrkoč, David Draw 1/21/2009 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidBücker, Jürgen Draw 2/17/2009 Go to game
Buraschi, OsvaldoVrkoč, David Draw 1/21/2009 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidMikeshin, Sergey Alekseevich Draw 9/9/2009 Go to game
Oliveira, Márcio Barbosa deVrkoč, David Black wins 10/3/2009 Go to game
Vrkoč, DavidKukk, Raul Draw 1/21/2009 Go to game
Holmberg, RuneVrkoč, David Black wins 8/22/2008 Go to game
Blanco Gramajo, César AugustoOosterom, Joop J. van Black wins 11/27/2009 Go to game
Firnhaber, IngoBlanco Gramajo, César Augusto Draw 10/15/2008 Go to game
Blanco Gramajo, César AugustoDronov, Aleksandr Surenovich Draw 2/20/2009 Go to game
Kurth, WilfriedBlanco Gramajo, César Augusto White wins 3/23/2009 Go to game
Blanco Gramajo, César AugustoSasvári, Tamás Draw 12/10/2008 Go to game


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