All games from Sweden - Central America with status Finished


Bagger, EricGuizar, Clemente White wins 7/31/2009 Go to game
Guizar, ClementeBagger, Eric Black wins 10/25/2009 Go to game
Sörenfors, PerPineda, Juan José Draw 11/7/2008 Go to game
Pineda, Juan JoséSörenfors, Per Draw 11/24/2008 Go to game
Swahnberg, LarsReyes, Francisco Draw 10/16/2008 Go to game
Reyes, FranciscoSwahnberg, Lars Draw 3/17/2009 Go to game
Hallberg, KristjanArreaga, Allan Black wins 10/18/2008 Go to game
Arreaga, AllanHallberg, Kristjan Draw 12/2/2008 Go to game
Ivegård, BörjeRamos, Efren White wins 7/9/2008 Go to game
Ramos, EfrenIvegård, Börje Draw 7/9/2008 Go to game
Ward, BengtEspinoza, Juan Carlos Draw 12/24/2008 Go to game
Espinoza, Juan CarlosWard, Bengt White wins 9/20/2008 Go to game
Johansson, Bror-EricAllen, Alonzo White wins 11/26/2008 Go to game
Allen, AlonzoJohansson, Bror-Eric Black wins 11/19/2008 Go to game
Eriksson, RolandOlivares, Danields White wins 11/20/2008 Go to game
Olivares, DanieldsEriksson, Roland Black wins 10/7/2008 Go to game
Fagerström, BjörnLezama, Douglas White wins 11/7/2008 Go to game
Lezama, DouglasFagerström, Björn Black wins 3/15/2009 Go to game
Bäckström, MikaelPilarte, Mario Draw 7/24/2008 Go to game
Pilarte, MarioBäckström, Mikael Draw 7/24/2008 Go to game
Colin, SonnyBravo, William Draw 10/26/2008 Go to game
Bravo, WilliamColin, Sonny Draw 12/10/2008 Go to game
Staf, GunnarPilarte, René Draw 6/28/2008 Go to game
Pilarte, RenéStaf, Gunnar Draw 7/26/2008 Go to game
Johansson, ChristerRobleto, Oscar Draw 7/2/2008 Go to game
Robleto, OscarJohansson, Christer Draw 11/26/2008 Go to game
Hjortstam, KurtPilarte, Carlos White wins 9/14/2008 Go to game
Pilarte, CarlosHjortstam, Kurt Black wins 9/14/2008 Go to game
Hedlund, PerVargas Villalobos, Oliverio White wins 2/19/2009 Go to game
Vargas Villalobos, OliverioHedlund, Per Black wins 4/7/2009 Go to game
Pettersson, ThomasGarcía, Hamlet Danilo Draw 12/24/2009 Go to game
García, Hamlet DaniloPettersson, Thomas Draw 9/10/2009 Go to game
Krüger, JanAvellán, Gerardo Draw 8/9/2008 Go to game
Avellán, GerardoKrüger, Jan Draw 8/6/2008 Go to game
Malmström, JanFonseca González, José Luis Draw 10/6/2008 Go to game
Fonseca González, José LuisMalmström, Jan Draw 10/6/2008 Go to game
Silfver, TomasBatres Bianchi, Luis Carlos White wins 10/27/2008 Go to game
Batres Bianchi, Luis CarlosSilfver, Tomas Black wins 12/29/2008 Go to game
Nilsson, Nils ÅkeGonzález Pereira, Fabricio Orlando Draw 9/10/2008 Go to game
González Pereira, Fabricio OrlandoNilsson, Nils Åke White wins 10/1/2008 Go to game
Larsson, StigFonseca Cabrera, Ernesto Gregorio White wins 12/5/2008 Go to game
Fonseca Cabrera, Ernesto GregorioLarsson, Stig Black wins 11/26/2008 Go to game
Johansson, JanMendez, Axel White wins 4/25/2009 Go to game
Mendez, AxelJohansson, Jan Draw 12/16/2008 Go to game
Oinonen, AriBendaña-Aragón, Julián Black wins 3/2/2009 Go to game
Bendaña-Aragón, JuliánOinonen, Ari White wins 3/2/2009 Go to game
Agnäs, ToreTéllez, Vidal White wins 11/21/2008 Go to game
Téllez, VidalAgnäs, Tore Draw 9/26/2008 Go to game
Karlsson, KennetAlarcón, David White wins 9/2/2008 Go to game
Alarcón, DavidKarlsson, Kennet Black wins 6/21/2008 Go to game


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