All games from Belgium - Sweden with status Finished


Olsson, StureVandermeulen, Boni Black wins 6/2/2010 Go to game
Vandermeulen, BoniOlsson, Sture Draw 2/3/2011 Go to game
Sörenfors, PerPauwels, Christophe Draw 10/5/2008 Go to game
Pauwels, ChristopheSörenfors, Per White wins 7/2/2009 Go to game
Swahnberg, LarsCottegnie, Francis Draw 4/6/2009 Go to game
Cottegnie, FrancisSwahnberg, Lars White wins 6/21/2009 Go to game
Ivegård, BörjeVan Leeuwen, Etienne Black wins 3/10/2009 Go to game
Van Leeuwen, EtienneIvegård, Börje White wins 2/3/2009 Go to game
Hallberg, KristjanLeroy, Jacques Black wins 3/6/2009 Go to game
Leroy, JacquesHallberg, Kristjan White wins 2/16/2009 Go to game
Johansson, Bror-EricJoseph, Fernand Draw 3/22/2009 Go to game
Joseph, FernandJohansson, Bror-Eric Draw 1/10/2009 Go to game
Eriksson, RolandMignon, Frédéric Draw 2/7/2009 Go to game
Mignon, FrédéricEriksson, Roland White wins 11/23/2008 Go to game
Andersson, Jan (Bollebygd)Gaelens, Freddy White wins 5/24/2011 Go to game
Gaelens, FreddyAndersson, Jan (Bollebygd) Draw 4/22/2011 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoVanosmael, Alexis White wins 6/29/2009 Go to game
Vanosmael, AlexisBredenhof, Bo White wins 4/23/2009 Go to game
Hyllengren, AndersSmet, Marc Draw 10/5/2009 Go to game
Smet, MarcHyllengren, Anders White wins 8/4/2009 Go to game
Johansson, ChristerMoens, André Draw 12/16/2008 Go to game
Moens, AndréJohansson, Christer Draw 12/16/2008 Go to game
Hjortstam, KurtRoels, Frederik Draw 2/26/2009 Go to game
Roels, FrederikHjortstam, Kurt White wins 7/24/2009 Go to game
Hedlund, PerHuybrecht, Frans White wins 2/18/2009 Go to game
Huybrecht, FransHedlund, Per Black wins 2/18/2009 Go to game
Johansson, JanTellier, Bernard Black wins 2/7/2009 Go to game
Tellier, BernardJohansson, Jan White wins 1/21/2009 Go to game
Larsson, StigThys, Hugo White wins 2/4/2009 Go to game
Thys, HugoLarsson, Stig Black wins 2/22/2009 Go to game
Åkvist, HåkanVermeulen, Danny Draw 2/12/2010 Go to game
Vermeulen, DannyÅkvist, Håkan White wins 3/4/2010 Go to game
Jacobsen, FredrikJans, Antoine White wins 11/11/2009 Go to game
Jans, AntoineJacobsen, Fredrik Draw 11/11/2009 Go to game
Persson, BörjeSteenlandt, Alain Draw 6/2/2009 Go to game
Steenlandt, AlainPersson, Börje Black wins 6/2/2009 Go to game
Carlsson, AlfHeyndrickx, Robert Black wins 3/18/2009 Go to game
Heyndrickx, RobertCarlsson, Alf White wins 4/15/2009 Go to game
Österberg, StigDe Baene, Jean-Paul Black wins 6/8/2009 Go to game
De Baene, Jean-PaulÖsterberg, Stig White wins 6/8/2009 Go to game
Oinonen, AriJanas, Sébastien Black wins 3/7/2009 Go to game
Janas, SébastienOinonen, Ari White wins 3/7/2009 Go to game

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