All games from A-M-32 with status Finished


Anreiter, AloisVegjeleki, Adolf Draw 12/22/2008 Go to game
Flitsch, GüntherAnreiter, Alois Draw 1/3/2009 Go to game
Anreiter, AloisBeranek, Eduard White wins 11/23/2008 Go to game
Kreutz, JosefAnreiter, Alois White wins 12/6/2008 Go to game
Vegjeleki, AdolfFlitsch, Günther Draw 12/28/2008 Go to game
Beranek, EduardVegjeleki, Adolf Draw 2/16/2009 Go to game
Vegjeleki, AdolfKreutz, Josef Black wins 4/19/2009 Go to game
Flitsch, GüntherBeranek, Eduard White wins 12/18/2008 Go to game
Kreutz, JosefFlitsch, Günther Black wins 10/15/2009 Go to game
Beranek, EduardKreutz, Josef Black wins 5/26/2009 Go to game

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