All games from RCCA-Gold 2008 with status Finished


Siikaluoma, AunoRuch, Eric White wins 12/18/2010 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichSiikaluoma, Auno Black wins 10/22/2009 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoLjubičić, Leonardo White wins 9/24/2010 Go to game
Pugh, JohnSiikaluoma, Auno Draw 10/29/2009 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoZhak, Boris Mikhailovich Draw 2/2/2010 Go to game
Kerr, StephenSiikaluoma, Auno Draw 12/8/2009 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoNapalkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Draw 11/11/2009 Go to game
Jäderholm, BoSiikaluoma, Auno Draw 5/23/2009 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoBobrov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Draw 8/27/2009 Go to game
Hiltunen, ReijoSiikaluoma, Auno Draw 6/13/2009 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoIvanov, Alexandr Sergeevich White wins 9/27/2010 Go to game
Cesetti, ClaudioSiikaluoma, Auno Draw 7/7/2009 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoWolf, Klaus Draw 11/12/2009 Go to game
Siigur, JüriSiikaluoma, Auno Black wins 1/6/2010 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoMuzyka, Yury Avraamovich White wins 6/20/2010 Go to game
Gaujens, ArtisSiikaluoma, Auno Black wins 3/7/2010 Go to game
Ruch, EricPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich Black defaulted 5/5/2010 Go to game
Ljubičić, LeonardoRuch, Eric White wins 6/1/2011 Go to game
Ruch, EricPugh, John Draw 11/20/2009 Go to game
Zhak, Boris MikhailovichRuch, Eric White wins 5/24/2010 Go to game
Ruch, EricKerr, Stephen Draw 7/7/2010 Go to game
Napalkov, Vladimir AleksandrovichRuch, Eric White wins 10/31/2010 Go to game
Ruch, EricJäderholm, Bo White wins 12/24/2009 Go to game
Bobrov, Vladimir NikolaevichRuch, Eric White defaulted 8/16/2010 Go to game
Ruch, EricHiltunen, Reijo Draw 11/11/2009 Go to game
Ivanov, Alexandr SergeevichRuch, Eric Draw 11/11/2009 Go to game
Ruch, EricCesetti, Claudio Draw 6/23/2009 Go to game
Wolf, KlausRuch, Eric Draw 7/28/2009 Go to game
Ruch, EricSiigur, Jüri Draw 11/11/2009 Go to game
Muzyka, Yury AvraamovichRuch, Eric Draw 3/26/2010 Go to game
Ruch, EricGaujens, Artis Draw 7/9/2009 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichLjubičić, Leonardo Draw 9/5/2009 Go to game
Pugh, JohnPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich White wins 4/29/2010 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichZhak, Boris Mikhailovich Black wins 3/23/2010 Go to game
Kerr, StephenPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich White wins 1/12/2010 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichNapalkov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Draw 2/3/2010 Go to game
Jäderholm, BoPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich Draw 2/24/2009 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichBobrov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Draw 12/23/2009 Go to game
Hiltunen, ReijoPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich Draw 4/10/2009 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichIvanov, Alexandr Sergeevich Draw 8/12/2009 Go to game
Cesetti, ClaudioPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich Draw 11/15/2009 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichWolf, Klaus Draw 10/21/2009 Go to game
Siigur, JüriPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich Draw 3/18/2009 Go to game
Ponomarev, Aleksandr AnatolievichMuzyka, Yury Avraamovich Draw 3/17/2011 Go to game
Gaujens, ArtisPonomarev, Aleksandr Anatolievich Draw 12/15/2009 Go to game
Ljubičić, LeonardoPugh, John Draw 9/15/2010 Go to game
Zhak, Boris MikhailovichLjubičić, Leonardo White wins 1/10/2011 Go to game
Ljubičić, LeonardoKerr, Stephen Draw 1/2/2010 Go to game
Napalkov, Vladimir AleksandrovichLjubičić, Leonardo Draw 1/25/2010 Go to game
Ljubičić, LeonardoJäderholm, Bo White wins 8/3/2009 Go to game


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