All games from WS/MN/62 with status Finished


Laube, BerndGerhards, Guntis White wins 8/15/2012 Go to game
Wharam, JohnLaube, Bernd White wins 3/31/2011 Go to game
Laube, BerndFečo, Ján Black wins 7/11/2011 Go to game
Gromark, Per-OlofLaube, Bernd White wins 5/19/2011 Go to game
Laube, BerndCillóniz Razzeto, Alfredo White wins 6/9/2011 Go to game
Horvat, MilanLaube, Bernd Draw 3/31/2011 Go to game
Laube, BerndSikorsky, Reinhard Draw 3/27/2011 Go to game
Maffei, UmbertoLaube, Bernd Draw 1/10/2011 Go to game
Laube, BerndSiewert, Myrna Draw 1/25/2012 Go to game
Santos Etxepare, AgustínLaube, Bernd Black wins 5/3/2011 Go to game
Laube, BerndSchüppen, Heinz Black wins 3/9/2011 Go to game
Ivanov, Viktor NikolaevichLaube, Bernd Draw 3/27/2011 Go to game
Gerhards, GuntisWharam, John Draw 5/20/2011 Go to game
Fečo, JánGerhards, Guntis White wins 4/19/2012 Go to game
Gerhards, GuntisGromark, Per-Olof Draw 1/28/2012 Go to game
Cillóniz Razzeto, AlfredoGerhards, Guntis Draw 7/25/2011 Go to game
Gerhards, GuntisHorvat, Milan Draw 9/21/2011 Go to game
Sikorsky, ReinhardGerhards, Guntis White wins 5/26/2012 Go to game
Gerhards, GuntisMaffei, Umberto White wins 2/15/2012 Go to game
Siewert, MyrnaGerhards, Guntis White wins 4/6/2012 Go to game
Gerhards, GuntisSantos Etxepare, Agustín Black wins 8/1/2012 Go to game
Schüppen, HeinzGerhards, Guntis White wins 4/27/2012 Go to game
Gerhards, GuntisIvanov, Viktor Nikolaevich Black wins 12/17/2011 Go to game
Wharam, JohnFečo, Ján Draw 5/3/2011 Go to game
Gromark, Per-OlofWharam, John Black wins 2/8/2011 Go to game
Wharam, JohnCillóniz Razzeto, Alfredo White wins 8/8/2011 Go to game
Horvat, MilanWharam, John Draw 2/11/2011 Go to game
Wharam, JohnSikorsky, Reinhard White wins 11/16/2011 Go to game
Maffei, UmbertoWharam, John Draw 12/18/2010 Go to game
Wharam, JohnSiewert, Myrna White wins 4/6/2012 Go to game
Santos Etxepare, AgustínWharam, John Draw 2/1/2011 Go to game
Wharam, JohnSchüppen, Heinz Draw 1/20/2011 Go to game
Ivanov, Viktor NikolaevichWharam, John Draw 2/25/2011 Go to game
Fečo, JánGromark, Per-Olof Draw 6/12/2011 Go to game
Cillóniz Razzeto, AlfredoFečo, Ján Draw 6/19/2011 Go to game
Fečo, JánHorvat, Milan White wins 1/6/2012 Go to game
Sikorsky, ReinhardFečo, Ján Draw 11/21/2011 Go to game
Fečo, JánMaffei, Umberto White wins 7/18/2011 Go to game
Siewert, MyrnaFečo, Ján Draw 12/4/2011 Go to game
Fečo, JánSantos Etxepare, Agustín White wins 5/3/2011 Go to game
Schüppen, HeinzFečo, Ján Draw 9/30/2011 Go to game
Fečo, JánIvanov, Viktor Nikolaevich Draw 5/15/2011 Go to game
Gromark, Per-OlofCillóniz Razzeto, Alfredo Draw 6/11/2011 Go to game
Horvat, MilanGromark, Per-Olof White wins 3/17/2011 Go to game
Gromark, Per-OlofSikorsky, Reinhard Black wins 6/11/2011 Go to game
Maffei, UmbertoGromark, Per-Olof Draw 4/10/2011 Go to game
Gromark, Per-OlofSiewert, Myrna Draw 6/20/2011 Go to game
Santos Etxepare, AgustínGromark, Per-Olof Black wins 10/2/2011 Go to game
Gromark, Per-OlofSchüppen, Heinz Draw 6/9/2011 Go to game
Ivanov, Viktor NikolaevichGromark, Per-Olof Draw 3/4/2011 Go to game


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