All games from 2011 NA Class B Server Championship with status Finished


Hornyak, Anthony A.McLaughlin, Ed White wins 7/17/2011 Go to game
Dedrick, RickHornyak, Anthony A. White defaulted 9/1/2011 Go to game
Hornyak, Anthony A.Cofer, David Black wins 7/13/2011 Go to game
Catania, DuaneHornyak, Anthony A. White wins 8/10/2011 Go to game
Hornyak, Anthony A.Graupera, Carlos White wins 8/30/2011 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Hornyak, Anthony A. Draw 8/24/2011 Go to game
McLaughlin, EdDedrick, Rick Black wins 11/17/2011 Go to game
Cofer, DavidMcLaughlin, Ed White wins 5/22/2011 Go to game
McLaughlin, EdCatania, Duane Black wins 5/4/2011 Go to game
Graupera, CarlosMcLaughlin, Ed White wins 7/17/2011 Go to game
McLaughlin, EdZarges, Ron V. Black wins 6/26/2011 Go to game
Dedrick, RickCofer, David White wins 11/14/2011 Go to game
Catania, DuaneDedrick, Rick Black wins 9/15/2011 Go to game
Dedrick, RickGraupera, Carlos White wins 10/19/2011 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Dedrick, Rick Black defaulted 8/31/2011 Go to game
Cofer, DavidCatania, Duane White wins 5/22/2011 Go to game
Graupera, CarlosCofer, David Black wins 8/2/2011 Go to game
Cofer, DavidZarges, Ron V. White wins 6/15/2011 Go to game
Catania, DuaneGraupera, Carlos Draw 9/2/2011 Go to game
Zarges, Ron V.Catania, Duane White wins 9/6/2011 Go to game
Graupera, CarlosZarges, Ron V. Draw 10/1/2011 Go to game

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