All games from S10051 - 2011 Summer Server Series with status Finished


Young III, William C.Edwards, K. E. D. G. Black wins 12/16/2011 Go to game
Young III, William C.Weiner, Jerry Black wins 6/23/2012 Go to game
Young III, William C.Owens, Johnny Black wins 6/23/2012 Go to game
Edwards, K. E. D. G.Young III, William C. White wins 10/29/2011 Go to game
Edwards, K. E. D. G.Weiner, Jerry White wins 3/20/2012 Go to game
Edwards, K. E. D. G.Owens, Johnny Black wins 6/10/2012 Go to game
Weiner, JerryYoung III, William C. White wins 7/16/2012 Go to game
Weiner, JerryEdwards, K. E. D. G. White wins 5/18/2012 Go to game
Weiner, JerryOwens, Johnny Black defaulted 11/21/2012 Go to game
Owens, JohnnyYoung III, William C. Black wins 11/23/2012 Go to game
Owens, JohnnyEdwards, K. E. D. G. Draw 7/26/2012 Go to game
Owens, JohnnyWeiner, Jerry Draw 10/28/2013 Go to game

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