All games from ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 pr30 with status Finished


Bredenhof, BoBucșa, Ioan Draw 3/24/2012 Go to game
Pietrocola, RobertoBredenhof, Bo Draw 4/14/2012 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoŠtika, Václav Draw 11/22/2011 Go to game
Marconi, Ralph P.Bredenhof, Bo Draw 3/17/2012 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoGarcía Rodríguez, Ildefonso Draw 1/23/2012 Go to game
Bendaña-Aragón, JuliánBredenhof, Bo Draw 6/25/2012 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoVarlamov, Fedor Sergeevich Black defaulted 5/24/2012 Go to game
Mourato, MárioBredenhof, Bo White wins 3/1/2012 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoCrowdy, Stephen C. White wins 11/3/2011 Go to game
Długołęcki, GrzegorzBredenhof, Bo Draw 12/5/2011 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoMujunen, Martti Draw 11/4/2011 Go to game
Trzciński, IreneuszBredenhof, Bo Draw 1/16/2012 Go to game
Bucșa, IoanPietrocola, Roberto White wins 12/2/2012 Go to game
Štika, VáclavBucșa, Ioan White wins 9/16/2012 Go to game
Bucșa, IoanMarconi, Ralph P. Black wins 9/2/2012 Go to game
García Rodríguez, IldefonsoBucșa, Ioan Draw 4/3/2012 Go to game
Bucșa, IoanBendaña-Aragón, Julián Draw 10/2/2012 Go to game
Varlamov, Fedor SergeevichBucșa, Ioan White wins 9/16/2012 Go to game
Bucșa, IoanMourato, Mário Draw 9/6/2012 Go to game
Crowdy, Stephen C.Bucșa, Ioan Black wins 1/22/2012 Go to game
Bucșa, IoanDługołęcki, Grzegorz White wins 1/13/2012 Go to game
Mujunen, MarttiBucșa, Ioan Draw 2/19/2012 Go to game
Bucșa, IoanTrzciński, Ireneusz Draw 1/15/2012 Go to game
Pietrocola, RobertoŠtika, Václav Draw 2/11/2012 Go to game
Marconi, Ralph P.Pietrocola, Roberto White wins 1/26/2013 Go to game
Pietrocola, RobertoGarcía Rodríguez, Ildefonso Draw 4/2/2012 Go to game
Bendaña-Aragón, JuliánPietrocola, Roberto Draw 9/4/2012 Go to game
Pietrocola, RobertoVarlamov, Fedor Sergeevich Draw 9/7/2013 Go to game
Mourato, MárioPietrocola, Roberto Draw 9/6/2012 Go to game
Pietrocola, RobertoCrowdy, Stephen C. White wins 1/23/2012 Go to game
Długołęcki, GrzegorzPietrocola, Roberto Draw 4/7/2012 Go to game
Pietrocola, RobertoMujunen, Martti Draw 3/4/2012 Go to game
Trzciński, IreneuszPietrocola, Roberto Draw 4/14/2012 Go to game
Štika, VáclavMarconi, Ralph P. Draw 6/20/2012 Go to game
García Rodríguez, IldefonsoŠtika, Václav Draw 11/22/2011 Go to game
Štika, VáclavBendaña-Aragón, Julián Draw 3/14/2012 Go to game
Varlamov, Fedor SergeevichŠtika, Václav Draw 1/3/2012 Go to game
Štika, VáclavMourato, Mário Black wins 10/23/2012 Go to game
Crowdy, Stephen C.Štika, Václav Black wins 11/18/2011 Go to game
Štika, VáclavDługołęcki, Grzegorz White wins 11/20/2011 Go to game
Mujunen, MarttiŠtika, Václav Draw 11/2/2011 Go to game
Štika, VáclavTrzciński, Ireneusz White wins 5/8/2012 Go to game
Marconi, Ralph P.García Rodríguez, Ildefonso Draw 3/15/2012 Go to game
Bendaña-Aragón, JuliánMarconi, Ralph P. White wins 1/31/2013 Go to game
Marconi, Ralph P.Varlamov, Fedor Sergeevich Draw 2/12/2013 Go to game
Mourato, MárioMarconi, Ralph P. White wins 8/16/2012 Go to game
Marconi, Ralph P.Crowdy, Stephen C. White wins 2/5/2012 Go to game
Długołęcki, GrzegorzMarconi, Ralph P. Draw 2/29/2012 Go to game
Marconi, Ralph P.Mujunen, Martti Black wins 8/13/2012 Go to game
Trzciński, IreneuszMarconi, Ralph P. White wins 10/27/2012 Go to game


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