All games from ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 pr54 with status Finished


Hauff, AndréGagliardi, Virgilio Draw 5/22/2013 Go to game
Schultheiss, KlausHauff, André Black wins 11/15/2012 Go to game
Hauff, AndréPloeg, Geert Roelof van der Black defaulted 9/11/2012 Go to game
Urban, MilošHauff, André Draw 12/18/2012 Go to game
Hauff, AndréHatipoglu, Metin White wins 3/22/2012 Go to game
Pinho, Joaquim Brandão deHauff, André Draw 3/16/2012 Go to game
Hauff, AndréDzenis, Janis (Tukmus) Black defaulted 11/19/2012 Go to game
Glørstad, TrondHauff, André White wins 5/22/2013 Go to game
Hauff, AndréDoren, Dennis M. Draw 2/8/2012 Go to game
Cardenas, InoelHauff, André Black wins 11/4/2011 Go to game
Hauff, AndréMason, Ian J. White wins 3/16/2012 Go to game
Kuz'ko, MichaelHauff, André White defaulted 8/31/2012 Go to game
Gagliardi, VirgilioSchultheiss, Klaus Draw 12/18/2013 Go to game
Ploeg, Geert Roelof van derGagliardi, Virgilio White wins 11/11/2012 Go to game
Gagliardi, VirgilioUrban, Miloš Draw 4/3/2013 Go to game
Hatipoglu, MetinGagliardi, Virgilio White defaulted 1/19/2013 Go to game
Gagliardi, VirgilioPinho, Joaquim Brandão de Black wins 7/4/2012 Go to game
Dzenis, Janis (Tukmus)Gagliardi, Virgilio Draw 5/22/2012 Go to game
Gagliardi, VirgilioGlørstad, Trond Black wins 8/20/2012 Go to game
Doren, Dennis M.Gagliardi, Virgilio White wins 9/24/2012 Go to game
Gagliardi, VirgilioCardenas, Inoel White wins 11/14/2011 Go to game
Mason, Ian J.Gagliardi, Virgilio White wins 5/1/2012 Go to game
Gagliardi, VirgilioKuz'ko, Michael Black defaulted 6/3/2012 Go to game
Schultheiss, KlausPloeg, Geert Roelof van der White wins 12/24/2012 Go to game
Urban, MilošSchultheiss, Klaus Black wins 5/27/2012 Go to game
Schultheiss, KlausHatipoglu, Metin White wins 4/23/2012 Go to game
Pinho, Joaquim Brandão deSchultheiss, Klaus Draw 3/12/2012 Go to game
Schultheiss, KlausDzenis, Janis (Tukmus) White wins 5/14/2012 Go to game
Glørstad, TrondSchultheiss, Klaus White wins by adjudication 6/17/2013 Go to game
Schultheiss, KlausDoren, Dennis M. Draw 2/8/2012 Go to game
Cardenas, InoelSchultheiss, Klaus Black wins 11/23/2011 Go to game
Schultheiss, KlausMason, Ian J. White wins 10/5/2012 Go to game
Kuz'ko, MichaelSchultheiss, Klaus White defaulted 7/23/2012 Go to game
Ploeg, Geert Roelof van derUrban, Miloš Draw 6/27/2012 Go to game
Hatipoglu, MetinPloeg, Geert Roelof van der Black wins 4/22/2012 Go to game
Ploeg, Geert Roelof van derPinho, Joaquim Brandão de Draw 4/25/2012 Go to game
Dzenis, Janis (Tukmus)Ploeg, Geert Roelof van der Draw 4/23/2012 Go to game
Ploeg, Geert Roelof van derGlørstad, Trond Draw 10/6/2012 Go to game
Doren, Dennis M.Ploeg, Geert Roelof van der Draw 7/29/2012 Go to game
Ploeg, Geert Roelof van derCardenas, Inoel White wins 1/24/2012 Go to game
Mason, Ian J.Ploeg, Geert Roelof van der Draw 6/20/2012 Go to game
Ploeg, Geert Roelof van derKuz'ko, Michael Black defaulted 2/27/2012 Go to game
Urban, MilošHatipoglu, Metin White wins 9/4/2012 Go to game
Pinho, Joaquim Brandão deUrban, Miloš White wins 7/18/2012 Go to game
Urban, MilošDzenis, Janis (Tukmus) Draw 6/6/2012 Go to game
Glørstad, TrondUrban, Miloš Draw 3/3/2013 Go to game
Urban, MilošDoren, Dennis M. Draw 9/27/2012 Go to game
Cardenas, InoelUrban, Miloš Black wins 5/20/2012 Go to game
Urban, MilošMason, Ian J. Draw 5/31/2012 Go to game
Kuz'ko, MichaelUrban, Miloš White defaulted 5/1/2012 Go to game


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