All games from 2011 CCLA Server Team - Division 3 with status Finished


Fisher Jr., ArthurCatania, Duane Black wins 12/19/2011 Go to game
Fisher Jr., ArthurDisque, Philip Black wins 3/22/2012 Go to game
Fisher Jr., ArthurCalkins, Donn Black wins 12/14/2011 Go to game
Fisher Jr., ArthurCaliguire, John J. Black wins 2/27/2012 Go to game
Catania, DuaneFisher Jr., Arthur White wins 12/12/2011 Go to game
Catania, DuaneDisque, Philip White wins 3/9/2012 Go to game
Catania, DuaneCalkins, Donn Draw 12/5/2011 Go to game
Catania, DuaneCaliguire, John J. Black wins 2/26/2012 Go to game
Disque, PhilipFisher Jr., Arthur Black wins 3/22/2012 Go to game
Disque, PhilipCatania, Duane Black wins 1/20/2012 Go to game
Disque, PhilipCalkins, Donn White wins 3/7/2012 Go to game
Disque, PhilipCaliguire, John J. Black wins 1/13/2012 Go to game
Calkins, DonnFisher Jr., Arthur White wins 12/20/2011 Go to game
Calkins, DonnCatania, Duane White wins 12/9/2011 Go to game
Calkins, DonnDisque, Philip Draw 2/29/2012 Go to game
Calkins, DonnCaliguire, John J. Black wins 2/22/2012 Go to game
Caliguire, John J.Fisher Jr., Arthur White wins 2/27/2012 Go to game
Caliguire, John J.Catania, Duane White wins 1/31/2012 Go to game
Caliguire, John J.Disque, Philip White wins 2/25/2012 Go to game
Caliguire, John J.Calkins, Donn Draw 1/4/2012 Go to game
Gee, LonLavery, Thomas Black wins 12/2/2011 Go to game
Gee, LonPeck, Jerome White wins 6/11/2012 Go to game
Gee, LonLewis, Jerome A. Black wins 12/28/2011 Go to game
Gee, LonSmith, Jason A. Draw 12/1/2011 Go to game
Lavery, ThomasGee, Lon White wins 11/27/2011 Go to game
Lavery, ThomasPeck, Jerome Black wins 1/9/2012 Go to game
Lavery, ThomasLewis, Jerome A. Draw 12/26/2011 Go to game
Lavery, ThomasSmith, Jason A. Black wins 1/9/2012 Go to game
Peck, JeromeGee, Lon White wins 2/5/2012 Go to game
Peck, JeromeLavery, Thomas White wins 12/25/2011 Go to game
Peck, JeromeLewis, Jerome A. White wins 5/11/2012 Go to game
Peck, JeromeSmith, Jason A. White wins 5/1/2012 Go to game
Lewis, Jerome A.Gee, Lon White wins 11/2/2011 Go to game
Lewis, Jerome A.Lavery, Thomas Black wins 12/6/2011 Go to game
Lewis, Jerome A.Peck, Jerome Black wins 4/29/2012 Go to game
Lewis, Jerome A.Smith, Jason A. Draw 11/17/2011 Go to game
Smith, Jason A.Gee, Lon White wins 11/17/2011 Go to game
Smith, Jason A.Lavery, Thomas White wins 1/9/2012 Go to game
Smith, Jason A.Peck, Jerome Black wins 5/1/2012 Go to game
Smith, Jason A.Lewis, Jerome A. White wins 11/2/2011 Go to game
Peterson, JanetSollars, Ray Draw 12/12/2011 Go to game
Peterson, JanetWilliams, Rufus H. White wins 12/14/2011 Go to game
Peterson, JanetCangelosi, Dominic Draw 1/18/2012 Go to game
Peterson, JanetNurmi, Ronald Draw 1/4/2012 Go to game
Sollars, RayPeterson, Janet White wins 12/14/2011 Go to game
Sollars, RayWilliams, Rufus H. White wins 12/22/2011 Go to game
Sollars, RayCangelosi, Dominic White wins 1/19/2012 Go to game
Sollars, RayNurmi, Ronald White wins 12/3/2011 Go to game
Williams, Rufus H.Peterson, Janet Draw 12/25/2011 Go to game
Williams, Rufus H.Sollars, Ray Black wins 12/26/2011 Go to game


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