All games from Memorial "Witold Bielecki" - Preliminary 2 Board 2 with status Finished


Nazarova, Anna Aleksandrovna Tieken, Frank White wins 7/6/2012 Go to game
Tieken, FrankŠimončič, Ladislav Draw 7/13/2012 Go to game
Torrelles Hornos, RobertTieken, Frank White defaulted 6/18/2012 Go to game
Tieken, FrankBratholm, Palle Skov Draw 3/3/2012 Go to game
Bitmanis, ValdemarsTieken, Frank Draw 4/11/2012 Go to game
Tieken, FrankKratochvíl, Václav Black wins 4/3/2012 Go to game
Flecher, JosephTieken, Frank White wins 4/16/2012 Go to game
Šimončič, LadislavNazarova, Anna Aleksandrovna Draw 5/1/2012 Go to game
Nazarova, Anna Aleksandrovna Torrelles Hornos, Robert White wins 10/10/2012 Go to game
Bratholm, Palle SkovNazarova, Anna Aleksandrovna White wins 1/21/2013 Go to game
Nazarova, Anna Aleksandrovna Bitmanis, Valdemars White wins 12/27/2012 Go to game
Kratochvíl, VáclavNazarova, Anna Aleksandrovna Draw 1/2/2013 Go to game
Nazarova, Anna Aleksandrovna Flecher, Joseph Draw 7/25/2012 Go to game
Torrelles Hornos, RobertŠimončič, Ladislav Black wins 8/16/2012 Go to game
Šimončič, LadislavBratholm, Palle Skov Draw 4/20/2012 Go to game
Bitmanis, ValdemarsŠimončič, Ladislav Black wins 2/11/2013 Go to game
Šimončič, LadislavKratochvíl, Václav Draw 4/20/2012 Go to game
Flecher, JosephŠimončič, Ladislav Draw 6/16/2012 Go to game
Bratholm, Palle SkovTorrelles Hornos, Robert White wins 8/3/2012 Go to game
Torrelles Hornos, RobertBitmanis, Valdemars White defaulted 10/2/2012 Go to game
Kratochvíl, VáclavTorrelles Hornos, Robert Black defaulted 5/19/2012 Go to game
Torrelles Hornos, RobertFlecher, Joseph White defaulted 7/5/2012 Go to game
Bitmanis, ValdemarsBratholm, Palle Skov Black wins 8/7/2012 Go to game
Bratholm, Palle SkovKratochvíl, Václav Draw 2/10/2012 Go to game
Flecher, JosephBratholm, Palle Skov Draw 4/3/2012 Go to game
Kratochvíl, VáclavBitmanis, Valdemars Draw by adjudication 5/12/2012 Go to game
Bitmanis, ValdemarsFlecher, Joseph Black wins 1/11/2013 Go to game
Flecher, JosephKratochvíl, Václav Draw 2/25/2012 Go to game

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