All games from S20061 - 2012 Winter Server Series with status Finished


Martindale, RogerCain, Larry F. White wins 8/3/2012 Go to game
Martindale, RogerHodgkins, Neil C. Black wins 8/20/2012 Go to game
Martindale, RogerWilliams, Rufus H. Draw 4/10/2012 Go to game
Cain, Larry F. Martindale, Roger White wins 7/1/2012 Go to game
Cain, Larry F. Hodgkins, Neil C. Black wins 1/11/2013 Go to game
Cain, Larry F. Williams, Rufus H. White wins 4/25/2012 Go to game
Hodgkins, Neil C.Martindale, Roger White wins 8/21/2012 Go to game
Hodgkins, Neil C.Cain, Larry F. White wins 5/14/2013 Go to game
Hodgkins, Neil C.Williams, Rufus H. White wins 9/5/2012 Go to game
Williams, Rufus H.Martindale, Roger White wins 3/21/2012 Go to game
Williams, Rufus H.Cain, Larry F. Black wins 6/14/2012 Go to game
Williams, Rufus H.Hodgkins, Neil C. Draw 12/3/2012 Go to game

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