All games from BdF-Server v SchemingMind match with status Finished


Hacker, ChristianEven, Fernando Enrique Draw 1/2/2014 Go to game
Even, Fernando EnriqueHacker, Christian Draw 12/17/2013 Go to game
Joppich, UlrichMichael, Dennis Draw 6/9/2013 Go to game
Michael, DennisJoppich, Ulrich Draw 6/12/2013 Go to game
Rost, DetlefAdamko, Peter Draw 6/26/2013 Go to game
Adamko, PeterRost, Detlef Draw 5/25/2013 Go to game
Betker, JörgVivante-Sowter, John Draw 3/15/2013 Go to game
Vivante-Sowter, JohnBetker, Jörg Draw 2/24/2013 Go to game
Kraft, DieterDomancich, Ezequiel Martín Draw 3/2/2013 Go to game
Domancich, Ezequiel MartínKraft, Dieter Black wins 3/29/2013 Go to game
Florian, JürgenHalliwell, Toni Draw 6/3/2013 Go to game
Halliwell, ToniFlorian, Jürgen Draw 6/3/2013 Go to game
Leupold, VolkerElburg, John Draw 2/28/2013 Go to game
Elburg, JohnLeupold, Volker Draw 2/28/2013 Go to game
Dorer, ManfredSchaller, Thorsten Draw 5/12/2013 Go to game
Schaller, ThorstenDorer, Manfred Draw 5/10/2013 Go to game
Vötter, Hans-DieterFarkas, Lajos White wins 8/31/2013 Go to game
Farkas, LajosVötter, Hans-Dieter Draw 2/14/2013 Go to game
Heinke, RichardHollands, George Draw 6/9/2013 Go to game
Hollands, George Heinke, Richard Black wins 1/6/2014 Go to game
Schmidt, TheoCade, Steven White wins 7/1/2013 Go to game
Cade, StevenSchmidt, Theo Draw 6/23/2013 Go to game
Figura, Atila GajoMercader Martínez, Juan Gustavo Draw 7/2/2013 Go to game
Mercader Martínez, Juan GustavoFigura, Atila Gajo Draw 6/30/2013 Go to game
Holec, MichaelReyes Maldonado, César Jesús Draw 4/20/2013 Go to game
Reyes Maldonado, César JesúsHolec, Michael Draw 2/9/2013 Go to game
Marquardt, GünterDi Peri, Rosario Draw 4/2/2013 Go to game
Di Peri, RosarioMarquardt, Günter Draw 5/29/2013 Go to game
Mirbach, ThomasPrice, Brennan White wins 4/7/2013 Go to game
Price, BrennanMirbach, Thomas Draw 5/13/2013 Go to game
Hoffmann, FrankLaine, Jari Draw 10/24/2013 Go to game
Laine, JariHoffmann, Frank Black wins 7/23/2013 Go to game
Wurtinger, RainerGrummitt, William White wins 5/25/2013 Go to game
Grummitt, WilliamWurtinger, Rainer Black wins 10/4/2013 Go to game
Meißner, RüdigerGalvin, John H. White wins 6/19/2013 Go to game
Galvin, John H.Meißner, Rüdiger Draw 6/19/2013 Go to game
Garus, EdwardBeckett, Phillip J. Draw 6/9/2013 Go to game
Beckett, Phillip J.Garus, Edward Black wins 6/10/2013 Go to game
Krauß, HeikoTaffijn, Aad White wins 3/15/2013 Go to game
Taffijn, AadKrauß, Heiko Black wins 3/16/2013 Go to game
Böhnke, HartmutBenton, Carl White wins 4/12/2013 Go to game
Benton, CarlBöhnke, Hartmut Black wins 5/8/2013 Go to game
Rohs, RudolfFlato, Andreas White wins 2/9/2013 Go to game
Flato, AndreasRohs, Rudolf Black wins 2/8/2013 Go to game
Fuhrwerk, KlausKjeldsen, Karsten Draw 5/14/2013 Go to game
Kjeldsen, KarstenFuhrwerk, Klaus Draw 5/10/2013 Go to game
Lauer, RolandParente, António Black wins 3/10/2014 Go to game
Parente, AntónioLauer, Roland Draw 12/1/2013 Go to game
Zielinski, SergejHolt, Frank White wins 3/14/2013 Go to game
Holt, Frank Zielinski, Sergej Black wins 3/14/2013 Go to game


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