All games from Bestlogic v SchemingMind match with status Finished


Even, Fernando EnriqueRyazanov, Anton Viktorovich White defaulted 10/21/2013 Go to game
Ryazanov, Anton ViktorovichEven, Fernando Enrique Draw 9/28/2013 Go to game
Michael, DennisStoyanov, Zlatin Draw 7/4/2013 Go to game
Stoyanov, ZlatinMichael, Dennis White wins 8/24/2013 Go to game
Adamko, PeterRomanov, Roman Aleksandrovich Draw 3/20/2013 Go to game
Romanov, Roman AleksandrovichAdamko, Peter White wins 10/13/2013 Go to game
Vivante-Sowter, JohnFedorovsky, Michael Draw 5/2/2013 Go to game
Fedorovsky, MichaelVivante-Sowter, John White wins 3/23/2013 Go to game
Domancich, Ezequiel MartínRudyak, Ivan Dmitrievich Draw 5/1/2013 Go to game
Rudyak, Ivan DmitrievichDomancich, Ezequiel Martín Draw 6/23/2013 Go to game
Halliwell, ToniLakudas, Andrey Draw 6/11/2013 Go to game
Lakudas, AndreyHalliwell, Toni Draw 5/23/2013 Go to game
Elburg, JohnStanojević, Stanimir Draw 4/24/2013 Go to game
Stanojević, StanimirElburg, John Draw 4/17/2013 Go to game
Schaller, ThorstenChukanov, Igor Anatolievich Draw 8/23/2013 Go to game
Chukanov, Igor Anatolievich Schaller, Thorsten Draw 10/24/2013 Go to game
Farkas, LajosTalnis, Aleksey Romanovich Black wins 3/27/2013 Go to game
Talnis, Aleksey RomanovichFarkas, Lajos White wins 3/19/2013 Go to game
Hollands, George Ryvkin, Mikhail Grigorievich Draw 9/29/2013 Go to game
Ryvkin, Mikhail GrigorievichHollands, George Draw 1/6/2014 Go to game
Cade, StevenEnkalo, Mykola Draw 8/5/2013 Go to game
Enkalo, MykolaCade, Steven Draw 8/5/2013 Go to game
Mercader Martínez, Juan GustavoKryuchkov, Valery Eduardovich Draw 8/12/2013 Go to game
Kryuchkov, Valery EduardovichMercader Martínez, Juan Gustavo Draw 7/21/2013 Go to game
Reyes Maldonado, César JesúsBakhmatov, Andrey Sergeevich Draw 3/2/2013 Go to game
Bakhmatov, Andrey SergeevichReyes Maldonado, César Jesús White wins 3/11/2013 Go to game
Di Peri, RosarioErmolaev, Andrey Stanislavovich Black wins 1/14/2014 Go to game
Ermolaev, Andrey StanislavovichDi Peri, Rosario White wins 9/22/2013 Go to game
Price, BrennanDolganiuc, Victor Black wins 7/26/2013 Go to game
Dolganiuc, VictorPrice, Brennan White wins 4/24/2013 Go to game
Laine, JariKhanenya, Igor Vladimirovich Draw 6/23/2013 Go to game
Khanenya, Igor VladimirovichLaine, Jari White wins 7/22/2013 Go to game
Grummitt, WilliamMoiseev, Sergey Borisovich Black wins 5/11/2013 Go to game
Moiseev, Sergey BorisovichGrummitt, William White wins 5/19/2013 Go to game
Galvin, John H.Andreev, Andrey Borisovich Black wins 8/15/2013 Go to game
Andreev, Andrey BorisovichGalvin, John H. White wins 6/30/2013 Go to game
Beckett, Phillip J.Ganiev, Ildar Munirovich Black wins 10/24/2013 Go to game
Ganiev, Ildar MunirovichBeckett, Phillip J. White wins 7/4/2013 Go to game
Taffijn, AadDoroshenko, Andrey Black wins 6/15/2013 Go to game
Doroshenko, AndreyTaffijn, Aad White wins 5/18/2013 Go to game
Benton, CarlMakerov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich Black wins 5/13/2013 Go to game
Makerov, Aleksandr VladimirovichBenton, Carl White wins 4/9/2013 Go to game
Flato, AndreasPanitevsky, Ivan Anatolevich Black wins 3/31/2013 Go to game
Panitevsky, Ivan AnatolevichFlato, Andreas White wins 2/10/2013 Go to game
Kjeldsen, KarstenPalamarchuk, Oleg Black wins 7/31/2013 Go to game
Palamarchuk, OlegKjeldsen, Karsten White wins 11/19/2013 Go to game
Parente, AntónioLinkov, Aleksandr Black wins 11/24/2013 Go to game
Linkov, AleksandrParente, António White wins 7/19/2013 Go to game
Holt, Frank Enin, Anatoly Nikolaevich Black wins 3/9/2013 Go to game
Enin, Anatoly NikolaevichHolt, Frank White wins 3/7/2013 Go to game


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