All games from Finland - Sweden (Server) with status Finished


Nilsson, SebastianSiikaluoma, Auno Draw 9/3/2013 Go to game
Siikaluoma, AunoNilsson, Sebastian Draw 10/31/2013 Go to game
Forslöf, LarsMannermaa, Jari White wins 3/12/2014 Go to game
Mannermaa, JariForslöf, Lars Draw 3/12/2014 Go to game
Andéer, StefanLaine, Panu Draw 6/19/2013 Go to game
Laine, PanuAndéer, Stefan Draw 7/19/2013 Go to game
Lindström, BoKoskela, Taisto Draw 7/29/2013 Go to game
Koskela, TaistoLindström, Bo White wins 12/20/2013 Go to game
Colin, SonnyMuukkonen, Kimmo White wins 10/21/2015 Go to game
Muukkonen, KimmoColin, Sonny White wins 6/1/2015 Go to game
Sandström, LudvigKlemettinen, Pentti White wins 2/24/2014 Go to game
Klemettinen, PenttiSandström, Ludvig Black wins 6/2/2014 Go to game
Hagberg, JanYlönen, Olli Draw 8/8/2013 Go to game
Ylönen, OlliHagberg, Jan Draw 7/25/2013 Go to game
Pettersson, KentRaivio, Pertti Draw 10/26/2013 Go to game
Raivio, PerttiPettersson, Kent Draw 8/14/2013 Go to game
Jepson, ChristianTeeriaho, Tuomo Draw 12/13/2013 Go to game
Teeriaho, TuomoJepson, Christian White wins 5/20/2014 Go to game
Carnstam, TomasKulmala, Petri Draw 5/25/2014 Go to game
Kulmala, PetriCarnstam, Tomas Draw 4/1/2014 Go to game
Johansson, Bror-EricPerkiömäki, Jari Black wins 10/15/2013 Go to game
Perkiömäki, JariJohansson, Bror-Eric White wins 12/11/2013 Go to game
Höglund, JanLehtosaari, Jyrki Draw 4/21/2014 Go to game
Lehtosaari, JyrkiHöglund, Jan Draw 4/11/2014 Go to game
Larsson, StigUusitalo, Jarmo Draw 2/19/2014 Go to game
Uusitalo, JarmoLarsson, Stig White wins 2/16/2014 Go to game
Brissman, AndersSutela, Raimo Draw 6/26/2014 Go to game
Sutela, RaimoBrissman, Anders White wins 5/4/2014 Go to game
Rilberg, StefanSuninen, Jukka Black wins 12/26/2013 Go to game
Suninen, JukkaRilberg, Stefan White wins 12/26/2013 Go to game
Brandberg, JoakimJäderholm, Bo White wins 11/27/2013 Go to game
Jäderholm, BoBrandberg, Joakim Black wins 12/8/2013 Go to game
Josefsson, KennethSöderberg, Kaj Draw 5/12/2013 Go to game
Söderberg, KajJosefsson, Kenneth Draw 5/12/2013 Go to game
Skogfeldt, TorgnyKuosmanen, Kari Draw 6/12/2013 Go to game
Kuosmanen, KariSkogfeldt, Torgny Black wins 8/8/2013 Go to game
Askelöf, PerPohjosmäki, Risto Draw 1/5/2014 Go to game
Pohjosmäki, RistoAskelöf, Per Draw 10/5/2015 Go to game
Svensson, LeifSalo, Kari Draw 1/3/2014 Go to game
Salo, KariSvensson, Leif Draw 1/3/2014 Go to game
Andersson, JoakimHeilala, Tapio Draw 10/16/2013 Go to game
Heilala, TapioAndersson, Joakim White wins 10/26/2013 Go to game
Staf, GunnarPesonen, Sakari Draw 1/31/2014 Go to game
Pesonen, SakariStaf, Gunnar White wins 2/28/2014 Go to game
Malmdin, Nils ÅkeKoskinen, Pertti Draw 3/23/2014 Go to game
Koskinen, PerttiMalmdin, Nils Åke Draw 4/20/2014 Go to game
Johansson, ChristerLahdenmäki, Leo Draw 3/4/2014 Go to game
Lahdenmäki, LeoJohansson, Christer Draw 8/31/2013 Go to game
Svensson, ChristerFagerström, Mikko White wins 4/28/2014 Go to game
Fagerström, MikkoSvensson, Christer Black wins 8/12/2014 Go to game


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