All games from ICCF Diamond Jubilee Webserver World Cup 18 sf04 with status Finished


Bagaoutdinov, ArthurBorroni, Enrico Draw 12/14/2014 Go to game
Even, RolandBagaoutdinov, Arthur Draw 10/12/2014 Go to game
Bagaoutdinov, ArthurVisloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich Draw 9/4/2014 Go to game
Lednev, Valery AlekseevichBagaoutdinov, Arthur White wins by adjudication 12/3/2014 Go to game
Bagaoutdinov, ArthurSchmidt, Theo Draw 8/18/2014 Go to game
Lakudas, AndreyBagaoutdinov, Arthur White wins 10/25/2014 Go to game
Bagaoutdinov, ArthurWürschner, Miroslav Draw 9/16/2014 Go to game
Laghetti, GaetanoBagaoutdinov, Arthur White wins 9/19/2014 Go to game
Bagaoutdinov, ArthurWukits, René Draw 3/18/2015 Go to game
Jensen, EjvindBagaoutdinov, Arthur White wins 9/29/2014 Go to game
Bagaoutdinov, ArthurWilliams, Thomas Draw 12/1/2014 Go to game
Petersons, IndulisBagaoutdinov, Arthur White wins 10/21/2014 Go to game
Borroni, EnricoEven, Roland Black wins 9/29/2014 Go to game
Visloguzov, Vadim AnatolievichBorroni, Enrico Draw 11/13/2014 Go to game
Borroni, EnricoLednev, Valery Alekseevich Draw by adjudication 12/2/2014 Go to game
Schmidt, TheoBorroni, Enrico Draw 1/23/2014 Go to game
Borroni, EnricoLakudas, Andrey Draw 7/25/2014 Go to game
Würschner, MiroslavBorroni, Enrico Draw 1/9/2015 Go to game
Borroni, EnricoLaghetti, Gaetano Draw 6/29/2014 Go to game
Wukits, RenéBorroni, Enrico White wins 3/30/2015 Go to game
Borroni, EnricoJensen, Ejvind Draw 10/16/2014 Go to game
Williams, ThomasBorroni, Enrico Draw 2/9/2014 Go to game
Borroni, EnricoPetersons, Indulis Black wins 7/14/2014 Go to game
Even, RolandVisloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich Draw 8/29/2014 Go to game
Lednev, Valery AlekseevichEven, Roland Draw by adjudication 12/2/2014 Go to game
Even, RolandSchmidt, Theo Draw 12/1/2014 Go to game
Lakudas, AndreyEven, Roland Draw 7/31/2014 Go to game
Even, RolandWürschner, Miroslav Draw 3/8/2014 Go to game
Laghetti, GaetanoEven, Roland Draw 5/24/2014 Go to game
Even, RolandWukits, René Draw 7/18/2014 Go to game
Jensen, EjvindEven, Roland Draw 1/9/2015 Go to game
Even, RolandWilliams, Thomas Draw 4/17/2014 Go to game
Petersons, IndulisEven, Roland Draw 5/3/2014 Go to game
Visloguzov, Vadim AnatolievichLednev, Valery Alekseevich Draw by adjudication 12/25/2014 Go to game
Schmidt, TheoVisloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich Draw 5/20/2014 Go to game
Visloguzov, Vadim AnatolievichLakudas, Andrey Draw by adjudication 4/17/2015 Go to game
Würschner, MiroslavVisloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich Draw 4/28/2014 Go to game
Visloguzov, Vadim AnatolievichLaghetti, Gaetano Draw 5/2/2014 Go to game
Wukits, RenéVisloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich Black wins 9/1/2014 Go to game
Visloguzov, Vadim AnatolievichJensen, Ejvind Draw 10/6/2014 Go to game
Williams, ThomasVisloguzov, Vadim Anatolievich Draw 10/26/2014 Go to game
Visloguzov, Vadim AnatolievichPetersons, Indulis White wins 9/2/2014 Go to game
Lednev, Valery AlekseevichSchmidt, Theo Draw by adjudication 12/5/2014 Go to game
Lakudas, AndreyLednev, Valery Alekseevich Draw by adjudication 12/25/2014 Go to game
Lednev, Valery AlekseevichWürschner, Miroslav Draw 3/11/2014 Go to game
Laghetti, GaetanoLednev, Valery Alekseevich Draw 9/2/2014 Go to game
Lednev, Valery AlekseevichWukits, René Draw 9/24/2014 Go to game
Jensen, EjvindLednev, Valery Alekseevich Draw 10/16/2014 Go to game
Lednev, Valery AlekseevichWilliams, Thomas Draw 3/7/2014 Go to game
Petersons, IndulisLednev, Valery Alekseevich Draw by adjudication 12/15/2014 Go to game


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