All games from Peru - Australia 2013 with status Finished


Runting, Tim E.Rivas Maceda, Juan Draw 8/15/2014 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JuanRunting, Tim E. White wins 11/4/2014 Go to game
Băluțescu, Mihail GoangăCusicanqui, Marco Draw 4/5/2014 Go to game
Cusicanqui, MarcoBăluțescu, Mihail Goangă Draw 4/5/2014 Go to game
Henri, VeronicaRivas Maceda, Jorge Draw 3/19/2014 Go to game
Rivas Maceda, JorgeHenri, Veronica Draw 5/25/2014 Go to game
Willow, MaxDe la Calle, Israel Draw 4/25/2014 Go to game
De la Calle, IsraelWillow, Max Draw 4/25/2014 Go to game
McKenzie, Colin D.Fernández Ballón, Armel Draw 1/31/2014 Go to game
Fernández Ballón, ArmelMcKenzie, Colin D. Draw 2/5/2014 Go to game
Jenkinson, Simon W.Cuellar, Ulises Draw 7/6/2014 Go to game
Cuellar, UlisesJenkinson, Simon W. Black wins 11/20/2014 Go to game
Tanti, Joe G.Rivas Romero, Guillermo Draw 7/31/2014 Go to game
Rivas Romero, GuillermoTanti, Joe G. Black wins 3/19/2014 Go to game
Booth, R. StewartPanduro, Raul White wins 8/22/2014 Go to game
Panduro, RaulBooth, R. Stewart Black wins 8/22/2014 Go to game
Mulligan, BarrieFlor Trejo, Remigio White wins 5/13/2014 Go to game
Flor Trejo, RemigioMulligan, Barrie Black wins 5/13/2014 Go to game
Mulder, JohnCárdenas Huaman, Alfredo White wins 6/14/2014 Go to game
Cárdenas Huaman, AlfredoMulder, John Draw 6/26/2014 Go to game
Jones, BrianBenites Rivas, Luis Draw 1/30/2014 Go to game
Benites Rivas, LuisJones, Brian White wins 4/10/2014 Go to game
Dix, PeterPetters Merino, Oscar White wins 2/5/2014 Go to game
Petters Merino, OscarDix, Peter White wins 6/21/2014 Go to game
Devine, Greg A.Beltrán Marin, Javier White wins 1/5/2014 Go to game
Beltrán Marin, JavierDevine, Greg A. Draw 1/10/2014 Go to game
Plew, JeffreyPalacios, Eduardo White wins 3/1/2014 Go to game
Palacios, EduardoPlew, Jeffrey Black wins 3/1/2014 Go to game
Vlietstra, MarcMalasquez, Juan Draw 4/29/2014 Go to game
Malasquez, JuanVlietstra, Marc White wins 4/12/2014 Go to game
Eraclides, GeorgeCarrión Lava, José Black defaulted 6/15/2014 Go to game
Carrión Lava, JoséEraclides, George White wins 9/26/2014 Go to game
Maylott, Peter S.Caballón Castellares, Emiliano White wins 1/29/2014 Go to game
Caballón Castellares, EmilianoMaylott, Peter S. Black wins 2/4/2014 Go to game
McKechnie, AndrewMedina, Tito Black wins 1/22/2014 Go to game
Medina, TitoMcKechnie, Andrew Black wins 10/19/2013 Go to game
Parsons, ColinGonzales, Aldo White wins 3/20/2015 Go to game
Gonzales, AldoParsons, Colin Black wins 7/9/2014 Go to game
Greenwood, PeterQuiñones Borda, Jorge Victor Draw 5/9/2014 Go to game
Quiñones Borda, Jorge VictorGreenwood, Peter Draw 5/9/2014 Go to game
Nutt, JeffArancibia Condor, Rafael White wins 4/16/2014 Go to game
Arancibia Condor, RafaelNutt, Jeff Black wins 3/3/2015 Go to game
Jones, RodneyMoscol Rivera, Manuel Eduardo Black wins 12/11/2013 Go to game
Moscol Rivera, Manuel EduardoJones, Rodney White wins 12/17/2013 Go to game
Hough, GregSiles Vasquez, Christopher Draw 2/12/2014 Go to game
Siles Vasquez, ChristopherHough, Greg Draw 1/13/2014 Go to game
Yueh, ElsaMiranda Vilchez, Walter Abel White defaulted 11/19/2013 Go to game
Miranda Vilchez, Walter AbelYueh, Elsa Black defaulted 11/19/2013 Go to game
Brodie, PeterIbanez Salazar, Victor Manuel White wins 10/9/2013 Go to game
Ibanez Salazar, Victor ManuelBrodie, Peter White wins 12/23/2013 Go to game

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