All games from Switzerland - Sweden with status Finished


Söderberg, PerRüfenacht, Matthias Draw 4/17/2015 Go to game
Rüfenacht, MatthiasSöderberg, Per Draw 9/20/2014 Go to game
Nilsson, SebastianTerreaux, Gilles Draw 7/30/2014 Go to game
Terreaux, GillesNilsson, Sebastian Draw 7/16/2014 Go to game
Andéer, StefanHauenstein, Hans White wins 6/2/2014 Go to game
Hauenstein, HansAndéer, Stefan Draw 5/4/2014 Go to game
Forslöf, LarsSteiger, Walter Draw 5/30/2014 Go to game
Steiger, WalterForslöf, Lars Draw 8/13/2014 Go to game
Dahlström, RickardBaumgartner, Ulrich Draw 5/20/2014 Go to game
Baumgartner, UlrichDahlström, Rickard Draw 5/21/2014 Go to game
Hagström, AllanFreytag, Walter Black wins 2/19/2015 Go to game
Freytag, WalterHagström, Allan White wins 12/17/2014 Go to game
Sandström, LudvigOesch, Harry White wins 12/21/2014 Go to game
Meier, KurtSandström, Ludvig Draw 5/12/2014 Go to game
Hagberg, JanWegelin, Reinhard White wins 1/25/2015 Go to game
Wegelin, ReinhardHagberg, Jan Draw 8/14/2014 Go to game
Stål, Carl-OlofStilling, Walter A. Draw 6/23/2015 Go to game
Stilling, Walter A.Stål, Carl-Olof Draw 6/23/2015 Go to game
Pettersson, KentMoser, Reto Draw 1/24/2015 Go to game
Moser, RetoPettersson, Kent Draw 1/14/2015 Go to game
Rosén, LeifMuri, Heinrich White wins 9/27/2014 Go to game
Muri, HeinrichRosén, Leif Draw 8/1/2014 Go to game
Larsson, StigWettstein, Klaus Draw 10/6/2014 Go to game
Wettstein, KlausLarsson, Stig Draw 6/22/2014 Go to game
Skogfeldt, TorgnyPreziuso, Toni Draw 6/7/2015 Go to game
Preziuso, ToniSkogfeldt, Torgny Black wins 6/15/2015 Go to game
Josefsson, KennethGraf, Hans Black wins 7/24/2014 Go to game
Graf, HansJosefsson, Kenneth White wins 7/23/2014 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoMouron, Daniel Draw 6/25/2014 Go to game
Mouron, DanielBredenhof, Bo Draw 11/30/2014 Go to game
Svensson, ChristerSalzmann, Stefan Draw 5/3/2014 Go to game
Salzmann, StefanSvensson, Christer White wins 10/12/2014 Go to game
Johansson, ChristerZiegler, Pio Draw 6/17/2014 Go to game
Ziegler, PioJohansson, Christer Draw 4/30/2014 Go to game
Staf, GunnarLipecki, Alexander Black wins 9/26/2014 Go to game
Lipecki, AlexanderStaf, Gunnar White wins 9/7/2014 Go to game
Krüger, JanSchoch, Thomas Black wins 8/10/2014 Go to game
Schoch, ThomasKrüger, Jan White wins 5/8/2014 Go to game
Pettersson, RolfHaller, Philipp Draw 7/11/2014 Go to game
Haller, PhilippPettersson, Rolf Draw 5/12/2014 Go to game
Persson, BörjeStrebel, Philipp Draw 4/14/2014 Go to game
Strebel, PhilippPersson, Börje White wins 5/27/2014 Go to game
Jacobsen, FredrikZube, Dieter Draw 6/23/2014 Go to game
Zube, DieterJacobsen, Fredrik Draw 6/23/2014 Go to game
Nilsson, Nils ÅkeBrundisch, Volker White wins 12/17/2014 Go to game
Brundisch, VolkerNilsson, Nils Åke White wins 7/4/2014 Go to game
Johansson, JanJanisch, Manfred Black wins 9/8/2014 Go to game
Janisch, ManfredJohansson, Jan White wins 9/8/2014 Go to game
Zeghachov, DjamelTassone, Raffaele Draw 2/15/2015 Go to game
Tassone, RaffaeleZeghachov, Djamel Draw 2/16/2015 Go to game


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