All games from BULGARIA-SWEDEN with status Finished


Vinchev, SimeonForslöf, Lars Draw 2/17/2017 Go to game
Forslöf, LarsVinchev, Simeon Draw 2/2/2017 Go to game
Petrov, MilenSandström, Ludvig Draw 4/2/2018 Go to game
Sandström, LudvigPetrov, Milen Draw 11/19/2017 Go to game
Dimov, DiyanColin, Sonny Draw 7/10/2017 Go to game
Colin, SonnyDimov, Diyan Draw 9/1/2017 Go to game
Petkov, StoyanHagberg, Jan Draw 4/11/2017 Go to game
Hagberg, JanPetkov, Stoyan Draw 6/1/2017 Go to game
Dimitrov, DeyanAndersson, Magnus Draw 8/9/2017 Go to game
Andersson, MagnusDimitrov, Deyan Draw 3/7/2017 Go to game
Todorov, DimitarLarsson, Stig Draw 12/11/2017 Go to game
Larsson, StigTodorov, Dimitar Draw 11/16/2017 Go to game
Semov, DobriHöglund, Jan Draw 4/4/2017 Go to game
Höglund, JanSemov, Dobri Black wins 7/10/2017 Go to game
Kirkov, Toshko DimitrovPettersson, Kent Draw 3/14/2017 Go to game
Pettersson, KentKirkov, Toshko Dimitrov Draw 3/15/2017 Go to game
Parushev, Alexandar MiroslavovEngwall, Clas Black wins 8/16/2017 Go to game
Engwall, ClasParushev, Alexandar Miroslavov Draw 6/9/2017 Go to game
Sapundjiev, GeorgiBrandberg, Joakim Draw 9/18/2017 Go to game
Brandberg, JoakimSapundjiev, Georgi Draw 10/11/2017 Go to game
Belchev, Branimir PetrovBredenhof, Bo Draw 12/19/2017 Go to game
Bredenhof, BoBelchev, Branimir Petrov Draw 6/4/2017 Go to game
Spasov, SpasAskelöf, Per White wins 9/30/2017 Go to game
Askelöf, PerSpasov, Spas Draw 6/30/2017 Go to game
Zhekov, ZhivkoNilsson, Lars G. Draw 4/18/2017 Go to game
Nilsson, Lars G.Zhekov, Zhivko White wins 12/3/2017 Go to game
Angelov, RumenBrissman, Anders Draw 11/5/2017 Go to game
Brissman, AndersAngelov, Rumen Draw 4/21/2018 Go to game
Ignatov, BozhidarSvensson, Christer Draw 3/8/2018 Go to game
Svensson, ChristerIgnatov, Bozhidar Draw 3/8/2018 Go to game
Davidov, Deian NikolovZeghachov, Djamel White wins 10/1/2017 Go to game
Zeghachov, DjamelDavidov, Deian Nikolov Draw 8/9/2017 Go to game
Dimitrov, TsvetomirPettersson, Thomas White wins 8/6/2017 Go to game
Pettersson, ThomasDimitrov, Tsvetomir Black wins 7/30/2017 Go to game
Simeonov, LyubenMytsko, Vladimir Draw 1/3/2017 Go to game
Mytsko, VladimirSimeonov, Lyuben White wins 12/25/2016 Go to game
Monov, AleksandarNordin, Nils Draw 3/22/2018 Go to game
Nordin, NilsMonov, Aleksandar Black wins 1/19/2018 Go to game
Gavrilov, IvayloPersson, Börje White wins 4/26/2017 Go to game
Persson, BörjeGavrilov, Ivaylo Black wins 2/12/2017 Go to game
Veselinov, Raicho PetrovJohansson, Jan White wins 9/28/2017 Go to game
Johansson, JanVeselinov, Raicho Petrov Draw 4/3/2017 Go to game
Gavrijski, DimitarLindqvist, Torgny White wins 6/25/2017 Go to game
Lindqvist, TorgnyGavrijski, Dimitar Black wins 8/3/2017 Go to game
Dimitrov, Danail Andersson, Sven Olof (Enköping) White wins 3/8/2017 Go to game
Andersson, Sven Olof (Enköping)Dimitrov, Danail Black wins 2/18/2017 Go to game
Golemanov, BozhidarLindahl, Roland White wins 3/30/2017 Go to game
Lindahl, RolandGolemanov, Bozhidar Black wins 2/16/2017 Go to game
Kaytazki, LyubomirEnoksson, Björn Black wins 1/9/2017 Go to game
Enoksson, BjörnKaytazki, Lyubomir Black wins 2/8/2017 Go to game

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