All games from S70049 - 2017 WINTER SERVER SERIES with status Finished


Catania, DuaneSmail, John Draw 4/18/2017 Go to game
Catania, DuaneHey, Brian White wins 3/23/2017 Go to game
Catania, DuaneBlankenship, Jerry T. White wins 6/12/2017 Go to game
Smail, JohnCatania, Duane Draw 4/17/2017 Go to game
Smail, JohnHey, Brian White wins 3/7/2017 Go to game
Smail, JohnBlankenship, Jerry T. White wins 6/5/2017 Go to game
Hey, BrianCatania, Duane Black wins 3/18/2017 Go to game
Hey, BrianSmail, John White wins 4/20/2017 Go to game
Hey, BrianBlankenship, Jerry T. White wins 6/5/2017 Go to game
Blankenship, Jerry T.Catania, Duane Black wins 5/23/2017 Go to game
Blankenship, Jerry T.Smail, John Black wins 6/2/2017 Go to game
Blankenship, Jerry T.Hey, Brian Black wins 5/21/2017 Go to game

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