All games from S70239 CCLA REGULAR QUAD with status Finished


Strelecky, RichLaaman, Thomas Black wins 12/28/2017 Go to game
Strelecky, RichCovey, Theodore White wins 10/17/2017 Go to game
Strelecky, RichBerger, Byron White wins 9/22/2017 Go to game
Laaman, ThomasStrelecky, Rich White wins 1/29/2018 Go to game
Laaman, ThomasCovey, Theodore Draw 11/28/2017 Go to game
Laaman, ThomasBerger, Byron Draw 1/5/2018 Go to game
Covey, TheodoreStrelecky, Rich Draw 10/10/2017 Go to game
Covey, TheodoreLaaman, Thomas White wins 11/27/2017 Go to game
Covey, TheodoreBerger, Byron Draw 9/16/2017 Go to game
Berger, ByronStrelecky, Rich Black wins 9/19/2017 Go to game
Berger, ByronLaaman, Thomas Black wins 11/6/2017 Go to game
Berger, ByronCovey, Theodore Black wins 9/12/2017 Go to game

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