All games from 27. SFSM Vorrunde 27-06 with status Finished


Lumsdon, AndrewTassone, Raffaele Draw 5/25/2019 Go to game
Ziegler, PioLumsdon, Andrew White wins 8/16/2018 Go to game
Lumsdon, AndrewKlaus, Emil Draw 5/15/2018 Go to game
Fragnière, ThierryLumsdon, Andrew Draw 3/11/2019 Go to game
Lumsdon, AndrewBislin-Wild, Roman Black wins 4/27/2019 Go to game
López-Neiger, Manuel-PierreLumsdon, Andrew Black wins 7/10/2018 Go to game
Lumsdon, AndrewDellenbach, Jean Paul White wins 4/22/2018 Go to game
Reimer, RamonaLumsdon, Andrew Black wins 1/31/2019 Go to game
Tassone, RaffaeleZiegler, Pio Draw 7/25/2018 Go to game
Klaus, EmilTassone, Raffaele Draw 9/9/2018 Go to game
Tassone, RaffaeleFragnière, Thierry White wins 6/26/2019 Go to game
Bislin-Wild, RomanTassone, Raffaele White wins 11/10/2018 Go to game
Tassone, RaffaeleLópez-Neiger, Manuel-Pierre White wins 12/5/2018 Go to game
Dellenbach, Jean PaulTassone, Raffaele Draw 8/11/2018 Go to game
Tassone, RaffaeleReimer, Ramona White wins 8/6/2018 Go to game
Ziegler, PioKlaus, Emil Draw 3/2/2018 Go to game
Fragnière, ThierryZiegler, Pio Draw 5/2/2018 Go to game
Ziegler, PioBislin-Wild, Roman Draw 3/3/2018 Go to game
López-Neiger, Manuel-PierreZiegler, Pio Black wins 8/10/2018 Go to game
Ziegler, PioDellenbach, Jean Paul White wins 3/10/2018 Go to game
Reimer, RamonaZiegler, Pio Black wins 9/30/2018 Go to game
Klaus, EmilFragnière, Thierry Draw 2/2/2018 Go to game
Bislin-Wild, RomanKlaus, Emil Draw 6/18/2018 Go to game
Klaus, EmilLópez-Neiger, Manuel-Pierre White wins 5/10/2018 Go to game
Dellenbach, Jean PaulKlaus, Emil Draw 4/8/2018 Go to game
Klaus, EmilReimer, Ramona White wins 7/12/2018 Go to game
Fragnière, ThierryBislin-Wild, Roman Draw 7/9/2018 Go to game
López-Neiger, Manuel-PierreFragnière, Thierry Black wins 12/5/2018 Go to game
Fragnière, ThierryDellenbach, Jean Paul White wins 8/17/2018 Go to game
Reimer, RamonaFragnière, Thierry Black wins 3/17/2019 Go to game
Bislin-Wild, RomanLópez-Neiger, Manuel-Pierre White wins 8/7/2018 Go to game
Dellenbach, Jean PaulBislin-Wild, Roman Black wins 7/1/2018 Go to game
Bislin-Wild, RomanReimer, Ramona White wins 11/6/2018 Go to game
López-Neiger, Manuel-PierreDellenbach, Jean Paul Black wins 6/21/2018 Go to game
Reimer, RamonaLópez-Neiger, Manuel-Pierre Draw 7/12/2018 Go to game
Dellenbach, Jean PaulReimer, Ramona Draw 1/31/2019 Go to game

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