All games from WS/M/704 with status Finished


Beer, DougCamps, Jean-Pierre Draw 7/19/2018 Go to game
Thomas, TimBeer, Doug White wins 7/31/2018 Go to game
Beer, DougHuber, Martin Draw 7/26/2018 Go to game
Ott, PeterBeer, Doug White wins 11/27/2018 Go to game
Beer, DougNěmec, Zdeněk (*1960) Draw 8/9/2018 Go to game
Tsikunov, Alexei OlegovichBeer, Doug White wins 12/10/2018 Go to game
Beer, DougGulbis, Harijs Black wins 7/31/2018 Go to game
Malyshev, Vladimir PavlovichBeer, Doug White wins 9/26/2018 Go to game
Beer, DougSukhanitskij, Stanislav Draw 8/15/2018 Go to game
Ciani, DanieleBeer, Doug White wins 8/6/2018 Go to game
Camps, Jean-PierreThomas, Tim Draw 7/23/2018 Go to game
Huber, MartinCamps, Jean-Pierre Draw by adjudication 8/5/2019 Go to game
Camps, Jean-PierreOtt, Peter Black wins 2/1/2019 Go to game
Němec, Zdeněk (*1960)Camps, Jean-Pierre White wins 12/11/2018 Go to game
Camps, Jean-PierreTsikunov, Alexei Olegovich Draw 1/7/2019 Go to game
Gulbis, HarijsCamps, Jean-Pierre Draw 7/26/2018 Go to game
Camps, Jean-PierreMalyshev, Vladimir Pavlovich Black wins 9/30/2018 Go to game
Sukhanitskij, StanislavCamps, Jean-Pierre Draw 8/18/2018 Go to game
Camps, Jean-PierreCiani, Daniele Black wins 11/17/2018 Go to game
Thomas, TimHuber, Martin Draw 9/2/2018 Go to game
Ott, PeterThomas, Tim White wins 2/4/2019 Go to game
Thomas, TimNěmec, Zdeněk (*1960) Draw 7/25/2018 Go to game
Tsikunov, Alexei OlegovichThomas, Tim White wins 1/31/2019 Go to game
Thomas, TimGulbis, Harijs Draw 7/21/2018 Go to game
Malyshev, Vladimir PavlovichThomas, Tim Draw 8/25/2018 Go to game
Thomas, TimSukhanitskij, Stanislav Draw 8/14/2018 Go to game
Ciani, DanieleThomas, Tim White wins 8/18/2018 Go to game
Huber, MartinOtt, Peter Draw 7/26/2019 Go to game
Němec, Zdeněk (*1960)Huber, Martin Draw 1/31/2019 Go to game
Huber, MartinTsikunov, Alexei Olegovich Draw 7/1/2019 Go to game
Gulbis, HarijsHuber, Martin Draw 10/21/2018 Go to game
Huber, MartinMalyshev, Vladimir Pavlovich White wins 12/23/2018 Go to game
Sukhanitskij, StanislavHuber, Martin Draw 9/9/2018 Go to game
Huber, MartinCiani, Daniele Draw 10/14/2018 Go to game
Ott, PeterNěmec, Zdeněk (*1960) White wins 12/20/2018 Go to game
Tsikunov, Alexei OlegovichOtt, Peter Draw 8/20/2019 Go to game
Ott, PeterGulbis, Harijs White wins 10/28/2018 Go to game
Malyshev, Vladimir PavlovichOtt, Peter Draw 6/4/2019 Go to game
Ott, PeterSukhanitskij, Stanislav Draw 6/2/2019 Go to game
Ciani, DanieleOtt, Peter Draw 1/16/2019 Go to game
Němec, Zdeněk (*1960)Tsikunov, Alexei Olegovich Black wins 3/16/2019 Go to game
Gulbis, HarijsNěmec, Zdeněk (*1960) White wins 9/11/2018 Go to game
Němec, Zdeněk (*1960)Malyshev, Vladimir Pavlovich Draw 11/22/2018 Go to game
Sukhanitskij, StanislavNěmec, Zdeněk (*1960) Draw 9/13/2018 Go to game
Němec, Zdeněk (*1960)Ciani, Daniele Draw 1/21/2019 Go to game
Tsikunov, Alexei OlegovichGulbis, Harijs White wins 1/20/2019 Go to game
Malyshev, Vladimir PavlovichTsikunov, Alexei Olegovich Draw 1/27/2019 Go to game
Tsikunov, Alexei OlegovichSukhanitskij, Stanislav White wins 1/28/2019 Go to game
Ciani, DanieleTsikunov, Alexei Olegovich Draw 2/18/2019 Go to game
Gulbis, HarijsMalyshev, Vladimir Pavlovich Draw 11/9/2018 Go to game


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