All games from S81361 CCLA REGULAR QUAD with status Finished


Walton, John C.Smail, John White wins 9/7/2018 Go to game
Walton, John C.Oneill, Bob White wins 12/15/2018 Go to game
Walton, John C.Grandi, Cody White wins 10/15/2018 Go to game
Smail, JohnWalton, John C. Black wins 10/2/2018 Go to game
Smail, JohnOneill, Bob White wins 1/19/2019 Go to game
Smail, JohnGrandi, Cody White wins 10/15/2018 Go to game
Oneill, BobWalton, John C. Black wins 1/23/2019 Go to game
Oneill, BobSmail, John Black wins 12/13/2018 Go to game
Oneill, BobGrandi, Cody White wins 11/5/2018 Go to game
Grandi, CodyWalton, John C. White wins 9/29/2018 Go to game
Grandi, CodySmail, John Black wins 10/15/2018 Go to game
Grandi, CodyOneill, Bob Black wins 11/5/2018 Go to game

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