All games from Romania - Italia 100 Years with status Finished


Riccio, ErosŞerban, Florin Draw 5/28/2019 Go to game
Şerban, FlorinRiccio, Eros Draw 6/7/2019 Go to game
Finocchiaro, FabioSferle, Miron Draw 8/13/2019 Go to game
Sferle, MironFinocchiaro, Fabio Draw 8/30/2019 Go to game
Cremasco, GianlucaSferle, Miron Draw 3/22/2019 Go to game
Sferle, MironCremasco, Gianluca Draw 3/22/2019 Go to game
Gerola, GiorgioPepene, Gheorghe Draw 2/20/2019 Go to game
Pepene, GheorgheGerola, Giorgio Draw 2/20/2019 Go to game
Gueci, AlbertoPepene, Gheorghe Draw 10/1/2019 Go to game
Pepene, GheorgheGueci, Alberto Draw 10/1/2019 Go to game
Cerrato, RobertoEpure, Cristian-Ion Draw 5/1/2019 Go to game
Epure, Cristian-IonCerrato, Roberto Draw 3/19/2019 Go to game
Bellegotti, GiorgioEpure, Cristian-Ion Draw 2/23/2019 Go to game
Epure, Cristian-IonBellegotti, Giorgio Draw 1/27/2019 Go to game
Savoca, AlfredoPantazi, Adrian Draw 1/2/2019 Go to game
Pantazi, AdrianSavoca, Alfredo Draw 12/25/2018 Go to game
Esposito, LucaPantazi, Adrian Draw 1/24/2019 Go to game
Pantazi, AdrianEsposito, Luca Draw 1/24/2019 Go to game
De Bari, VitoFlorea, Mihail Draw 9/11/2019 Go to game
Florea, MihailDe Bari, Vito Draw 2/22/2020 Go to game
Baiocchi, GiorgioTaras, Iulian Draw 1/9/2020 Go to game
Taras, IulianBaiocchi, Giorgio Draw 1/9/2020 Go to game
Ruggieri, OlivieroTaras, Iulian Draw 6/8/2019 Go to game
Taras, IulianRuggieri, Oliviero Draw 6/8/2019 Go to game
Genga, SecondoCâmpian, Cristian Draw 5/4/2019 Go to game
Câmpian, CristianGenga, Secondo Draw 4/29/2019 Go to game
Galliano, GiovanniCâmpian, Cristian Draw 4/4/2019 Go to game
Câmpian, CristianGalliano, Giovanni Draw 4/2/2019 Go to game
Mauro, LucioLakatos, Stefan Draw 5/5/2019 Go to game
Lakatos, StefanMauro, Lucio Draw 5/5/2019 Go to game
Cimmino, PietroCiucurel, Sorin-Marius Draw 5/9/2019 Go to game
Ciucurel, Sorin-MariusCimmino, Pietro White wins 8/9/2019 Go to game
Latronico, NicolaCrăciuneanu, Viorel Draw 3/3/2020 Go to game
Crăciuneanu, ViorelLatronico, Nicola Draw 11/12/2019 Go to game
Rombaldoni, DenisPepene, Ionuț Draw 7/7/2020 Go to game
Pepene, IonuțRombaldoni, Denis Draw 8/12/2020 Go to game
Manzo, AndreaEnescu, Constantin Draw 3/20/2019 Go to game
Enescu, ConstantinManzo, Andrea Draw 3/20/2019 Go to game
Lupini, StefanoEnescu, Constantin Draw 4/5/2019 Go to game
Enescu, ConstantinLupini, Stefano Draw 4/25/2019 Go to game
Sampieri, MaurizioBucur, Mircea Draw 11/26/2019 Go to game
Bucur, MirceaSampieri, Maurizio White wins 12/31/2019 Go to game
Gatterer, FlorianNeagu, Liviu Draw 3/2/2020 Go to game
Neagu, LiviuGatterer, Florian Draw 5/21/2019 Go to game
Tinjacá Ramirez, Luz MarinaNecula, Iulian Draw 5/4/2020 Go to game
Necula, IulianTinjacá Ramirez, Luz Marina Draw 8/28/2019 Go to game
Montella, SalvatoreStănilă, Elena Draw 4/27/2019 Go to game
Stănilă, ElenaMontella, Salvatore Draw 12/11/2019 Go to game
Marchisotti, MauroStănilă, Elena Draw 4/10/2019 Go to game
Stănilă, ElenaMarchisotti, Mauro Draw 5/30/2019 Go to game


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