All games from Germany - Ukraine 2018 with status Finished


Dudyev, VolodymyrBrodda, Wolfgang Draw 4/19/2019 Go to game
Brodda, WolfgangDudyev, Volodymyr Draw 3/12/2019 Go to game
Bubir, Alex NikolaevichRepp, Heinrich Draw 3/22/2020 Go to game
Repp, HeinrichBubir, Alex Nikolaevich White wins 6/6/2020 Go to game
Goncharenko, GeorgySchneider, Wolfgang Draw 3/3/2019 Go to game
Schneider, WolfgangGoncharenko, Georgy Draw 3/16/2019 Go to game
Mashchenko, VladimirJoppich, Ulrich Draw 6/27/2019 Go to game
Joppich, UlrichMashchenko, Vladimir Draw 5/19/2019 Go to game
Felytin, LeonidEckhardt, Thorsten Black wins 4/22/2020 Go to game
Eckhardt, ThorstenFelytin, Leonid Draw 10/9/2019 Go to game
Koshmak, IuriiBaumbach, Fritz White wins 12/22/2019 Go to game
Baumbach, FritzKoshmak, Iurii Draw 8/9/2019 Go to game
Bozyavkin, AnatolyStöckert, Mario Draw 6/14/2019 Go to game
Stöckert, MarioBozyavkin, Anatoly Draw 7/16/2019 Go to game
Voronin, AlexandrMokrys, Christian-Peter Draw 2/17/2019 Go to game
Mokrys, Christian-PeterVoronin, Alexandr Draw 2/17/2019 Go to game
Susedenko, VladimirAchilles, Edgar Draw 11/1/2019 Go to game
Achilles, EdgarSusedenko, Vladimir Draw 11/1/2019 Go to game
Lakudas, AndreySchulz, Günter Draw 9/2/2019 Go to game
Schulz, GünterLakudas, Andrey Draw 9/2/2019 Go to game
Sheretyuk, AndriiSchmidt, Theo Draw 5/15/2019 Go to game
Schmidt, TheoSheretyuk, Andrii Draw 5/15/2019 Go to game
Rudenko, VitalySielaff, Rudolf Draw 7/20/2019 Go to game
Sielaff, RudolfRudenko, Vitaly Draw 7/20/2019 Go to game
Vassiliev, IouriAnderskewitz, Ralf Draw 8/3/2019 Go to game
Anderskewitz, RalfVassiliev, Iouri Draw 7/3/2019 Go to game
Khanas, ValeriyFrotscher, Thomas Draw 5/4/2019 Go to game
Frotscher, ThomasKhanas, Valeriy Draw 4/1/2019 Go to game
Chaika, IvanLanger, Raimund Draw 1/19/2019 Go to game
Langer, RaimundChaika, Ivan Draw 1/30/2019 Go to game
Los, AndriiKöntges, Markus White wins 4/16/2020 Go to game
Köntges, MarkusLos, Andrii Draw 11/20/2019 Go to game
Khokhlov, IgorHöppenstein, Michael Draw 2/21/2019 Go to game
Höppenstein, MichaelKhokhlov, Igor White wins 3/30/2019 Go to game
Kagansky, MikhailZielasko, Andreas Draw 12/31/2018 Go to game
Zielasko, AndreasKagansky, Mikhail Draw 1/14/2019 Go to game
Zelenyuk, OlegZeihser, Michael Draw 7/2/2020 Go to game
Zeihser, MichaelZelenyuk, Oleg Draw 7/26/2020 Go to game
Enkalo, MykolaLukas, Norbert Draw 4/20/2019 Go to game
Lukas, NorbertEnkalo, Mykola Black wins 2/17/2020 Go to game
Galytskyi, VolodymyrGraefen, Klaus White wins 7/11/2019 Go to game
Graefen, KlausGalytskyi, Volodymyr Draw 3/16/2019 Go to game
Chaika, LeonidSchaaf, Peter Draw 3/26/2019 Go to game
Schaaf, PeterChaika, Leonid Draw 3/28/2019 Go to game
Oliynyk, ValerySchmidt, Horst W. Draw 5/9/2019 Go to game
Schmidt, Horst W.Oliynyk, Valery Draw 5/8/2019 Go to game
Korshunov, SergeyDorer, Manfred Draw 5/4/2019 Go to game
Dorer, ManfredKorshunov, Sergey Draw 12/3/2019 Go to game
Zakharov, OlegHunger, Horst Draw 1/1/2019 Go to game
Hunger, HorstZakharov, Oleg Black wins 2/20/2020 Go to game


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