All games from 7th Webchess Open Tournament Semifinal 9 with status Finished


Hughes, GregoryJones, Ian Black wins 11/27/2019 Go to game
Tropf, PeterHughes, Gregory White wins 7/14/2019 Go to game
Hughes, GregoryFelício, Clairton Black wins 11/8/2019 Go to game
Conde Poderoso, AntonioHughes, Gregory White wins 7/9/2019 Go to game
Hughes, GregoryJust, Joachim Black wins 1/13/2020 Go to game
Zaas, Peter S.Hughes, Gregory White wins 8/22/2019 Go to game
Hughes, GregorySchmidt, Horst W. Black wins 12/19/2019 Go to game
Tyulenko, Yuri ViktorovichHughes, Gregory White wins 6/25/2019 Go to game
Hughes, GregoryDe Blasio, Alessandro Black wins 7/21/2019 Go to game
Genchev, MaximHughes, Gregory White wins 10/29/2019 Go to game
Hughes, GregoryIvec, Ivan Black wins 12/23/2019 Go to game
Stepanov, Valery AnatolievichHughes, Gregory White wins 10/19/2019 Go to game
Jones, IanTropf, Peter Draw 11/28/2019 Go to game
Felício, ClairtonJones, Ian Draw 3/10/2019 Go to game
Jones, IanConde Poderoso, Antonio Draw 9/1/2019 Go to game
Just, JoachimJones, Ian Black wins 7/30/2019 Go to game
Jones, IanZaas, Peter S. Draw 4/22/2019 Go to game
Schmidt, Horst W.Jones, Ian Draw 10/19/2019 Go to game
Jones, IanTyulenko, Yuri Viktorovich Draw 4/13/2019 Go to game
De Blasio, AlessandroJones, Ian Draw 8/28/2019 Go to game
Jones, IanGenchev, Maxim White wins 7/1/2019 Go to game
Ivec, IvanJones, Ian Draw 5/2/2019 Go to game
Jones, IanStepanov, Valery Anatolievich Draw 3/14/2019 Go to game
Tropf, PeterFelício, Clairton White wins 4/15/2020 Go to game
Conde Poderoso, AntonioTropf, Peter Draw 9/28/2019 Go to game
Tropf, PeterJust, Joachim Draw 2/29/2020 Go to game
Zaas, Peter S.Tropf, Peter Draw by adjudication 6/7/2020 Go to game
Tropf, PeterSchmidt, Horst W. Black wins 12/9/2019 Go to game
Tyulenko, Yuri ViktorovichTropf, Peter Draw 9/15/2019 Go to game
Tropf, PeterDe Blasio, Alessandro Draw 11/22/2019 Go to game
Genchev, MaximTropf, Peter Draw 8/17/2019 Go to game
Tropf, PeterIvec, Ivan Draw 6/28/2019 Go to game
Stepanov, Valery AnatolievichTropf, Peter Draw 6/27/2019 Go to game
Felício, ClairtonConde Poderoso, Antonio Draw 4/30/2019 Go to game
Just, JoachimFelício, Clairton Black wins 12/31/2019 Go to game
Felício, ClairtonZaas, Peter S. Draw 4/24/2019 Go to game
Schmidt, Horst W.Felício, Clairton Draw 11/13/2019 Go to game
Felício, ClairtonTyulenko, Yuri Viktorovich Draw 10/1/2019 Go to game
De Blasio, AlessandroFelício, Clairton Draw 7/28/2019 Go to game
Felício, ClairtonGenchev, Maxim White wins 11/1/2019 Go to game
Ivec, IvanFelício, Clairton Draw 4/24/2019 Go to game
Felício, ClairtonStepanov, Valery Anatolievich Draw 7/5/2019 Go to game
Conde Poderoso, AntonioJust, Joachim White wins 8/30/2019 Go to game
Zaas, Peter S.Conde Poderoso, Antonio Draw 4/9/2019 Go to game
Conde Poderoso, AntonioSchmidt, Horst W. Draw 3/6/2019 Go to game
Tyulenko, Yuri ViktorovichConde Poderoso, Antonio White wins 9/5/2019 Go to game
Conde Poderoso, AntonioDe Blasio, Alessandro Draw 6/17/2019 Go to game
Genchev, MaximConde Poderoso, Antonio Draw 4/1/2019 Go to game
Conde Poderoso, AntonioIvec, Ivan Draw 3/24/2019 Go to game
Stepanov, Valery AnatolievichConde Poderoso, Antonio Draw 4/5/2019 Go to game


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