All games from Poland-Germany 2019 with status Finished


Eckhardt, ThorstenBroniek, Mariusz Maciej Draw 4/19/2020 Go to game
Broniek, Mariusz MaciejEckhardt, Thorsten Draw 4/19/2020 Go to game
Baumbach, FritzMirkowski, Piotr Draw 6/17/2020 Go to game
Mirkowski, PiotrBaumbach, Fritz Draw 5/13/2020 Go to game
Höbel, HartmutJasiński, Mirosław Draw 2/7/2020 Go to game
Jasiński, MirosławHöbel, Hartmut Draw 2/10/2020 Go to game
Lukas, NorbertBaranowski, Tadeusz Draw 12/16/2019 Go to game
Baranowski, TadeuszLukas, Norbert Draw 2/19/2020 Go to game
Leupold, VolkerDuszyński, Jerzy Draw 10/15/2019 Go to game
Duszyński, JerzyLeupold, Volker Draw 6/9/2020 Go to game
Markus, RolandTritt, Maciej Draw 1/1/2020 Go to game
Tritt, MaciejMarkus, Roland Draw 2/10/2020 Go to game
Zeihser, MichaelWojnar, Mariusz Black wins 6/23/2021 Go to game
Maliszewski, GrzegorzZeihser, Michael Draw 7/25/2020 Go to game
Kelemen, NorbertProbola, Ryszard Draw 1/19/2022 Go to game
Probola, RyszardKelemen, Norbert Draw 4/5/2020 Go to game
Jugl, PeterMalinowski, Damian White wins 12/2/2019 Go to game
Malinowski, DamianJugl, Peter Draw 9/24/2019 Go to game
Naeter, BurkhardTrzciński, Ireneusz Draw 1/24/2020 Go to game
Trzciński, IreneuszNaeter, Burkhard Draw 1/23/2020 Go to game
Tropf, PeterLubas, Józef Draw 2/9/2020 Go to game
Lubas, JózefTropf, Peter Draw 2/20/2020 Go to game
Egner, MichaelFengier, Dariusz Draw 9/28/2019 Go to game
Fengier, DariuszEgner, Michael Black wins 9/8/2019 Go to game
Balzert, AntoniusWoźnica, Mirosław Draw 6/18/2020 Go to game
Woźnica, MirosławBalzert, Antonius Draw 6/18/2020 Go to game
Schieferdecker, MartinPazderski, Ludwik Draw 1/26/2020 Go to game
Pazderski, LudwikSchieferdecker, Martin Draw 11/16/2019 Go to game
Klewe, WolfgangSanner, Zdzisław Draw 1/12/2020 Go to game
Sanner, ZdzisławKlewe, Wolfgang Draw 1/10/2020 Go to game
Linke, MichaelKolanek, Roman Draw 11/4/2019 Go to game
Kolanek, RomanLinke, Michael Draw 10/29/2019 Go to game
Lemke, BurghardKrawczyk, Wiesław Draw 2/3/2020 Go to game
Krawczyk, WiesławLemke, Burghard Draw 1/15/2020 Go to game
Meißner, RüdigerWojtkowiak, Ryszard Draw 2/23/2020 Go to game
Wojtkowiak, RyszardMeißner, Rüdiger Black wins 6/12/2020 Go to game
Schmitz, JosefJanda, Krzysztof Draw 9/15/2019 Go to game
Janda, KrzysztofSchmitz, Josef Draw 9/14/2019 Go to game
Höxter, HeinrichBrzeszkiewicz, Edmund Draw 9/19/2019 Go to game
Brzeszkiewicz, EdmundHöxter, Heinrich Draw 9/19/2019 Go to game
Fels, BernhardGóreczny, Grzegorz Black wins 11/8/2019 Go to game
Góreczny, GrzegorzFels, Bernhard White wins 11/20/2019 Go to game
Tödter, Hans-PeterGrabowski, Tomasz Draw 10/6/2020 Go to game
Grabowski, TomaszTödter, Hans-Peter White wins 8/16/2020 Go to game
Schiebener, Hans J.Chabierski, Janusz Draw 1/10/2020 Go to game
Chabierski, JanuszSchiebener, Hans J. Draw 6/22/2020 Go to game
Hackenberg, ThomasDomaraczeńko, Krzysztof Draw 8/23/2019 Go to game
Domaraczeńko, KrzysztofHackenberg, Thomas White wins 9/16/2019 Go to game
Thiel, KayBryg, Stanisław White wins 6/12/2020 Go to game
Bryg, StanisławThiel, Kay Draw 2/21/2020 Go to game


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