All games from England v Scotland Under 1800 with status Finished


Major, BenjaminKok, Herman Black wins 8/5/2020 Go to game
Kok, HermanMajor, Benjamin White wins 8/15/2020 Go to game
Gilbert, RobertWhite, Richard Black wins 12/19/2020 Go to game
White, RichardGilbert, Robert White wins 12/17/2020 Go to game
Lima, JoaoHipwell, Colin White wins 7/18/2020 Go to game
Hipwell, ColinLima, Joao Black wins 7/27/2020 Go to game
Anderson, Gordon M.Ward, Bill Black wins 9/2/2020 Go to game
Ward, BillAnderson, Gordon M. White wins 9/2/2020 Go to game
MacMillen, Andrew N.Bishop, Edward White wins 10/6/2020 Go to game
Bishop, EdwardMacMillen, Andrew N. Black wins 11/29/2020 Go to game
Dunn, JohnKent, Chris Draw 7/17/2020 Go to game
Kent, ChrisDunn, John Draw 7/6/2020 Go to game
Kearns, AlanCarrington, A. C. White wins 8/31/2020 Go to game
Carrington, A. C.Kearns, Alan White wins 10/27/2020 Go to game
Sedstrem, AlanIbbitson, Anthony Black wins 12/13/2020 Go to game
Ibbitson, AnthonySedstrem, Alan White wins 3/20/2021 Go to game
Anderson, Gordon M.Beckett, Phillip J. Black wins 1/25/2021 Go to game
Page, MartinStratum, Theo van White wins 10/4/2020 Go to game
Hardwick, Martin E.Nichol, John Draw 8/14/2020 Go to game
Nichol, JohnHardwick, Martin E. Draw 6/3/2020 Go to game

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