All games from Manhem Korrschack-KM 2020 with status Finished


Lasaki, Hamed ImaniGranath, Andreas White wins 7/5/2020 Go to game
Lasaki, Hamed ImaniBerggren Torell, Harald White wins 11/11/2020 Go to game
Lasaki, Hamed ImaniFransson, Claes Black wins 6/27/2021 Go to game
Lasaki, Hamed ImaniStorme, Isak White wins 10/31/2020 Go to game
Lasaki, Hamed ImaniWarston, Håkan Black wins 6/27/2021 Go to game
Granath, AndreasLasaki, Hamed Imani Black wins 7/5/2020 Go to game
Granath, AndreasBerggren Torell, Harald Black wins 9/25/2020 Go to game
Granath, AndreasFransson, Claes Black wins 9/21/2020 Go to game
Granath, AndreasStorme, Isak Black wins 9/21/2020 Go to game
Granath, AndreasWarston, Håkan Black wins 8/16/2020 Go to game
Berggren Torell, HaraldLasaki, Hamed Imani White wins 2/6/2021 Go to game
Berggren Torell, HaraldGranath, Andreas White wins 9/25/2020 Go to game
Berggren Torell, HaraldFransson, Claes Draw 8/26/2021 Go to game
Berggren Torell, HaraldStorme, Isak Draw 11/9/2020 Go to game
Berggren Torell, HaraldWarston, Håkan White wins 5/18/2021 Go to game
Fransson, ClaesLasaki, Hamed Imani White wins 8/20/2021 Go to game
Fransson, ClaesGranath, Andreas White wins 9/21/2020 Go to game
Fransson, ClaesBerggren Torell, Harald White wins 10/27/2020 Go to game
Fransson, ClaesStorme, Isak White wins 10/31/2020 Go to game
Fransson, ClaesWarston, Håkan White wins 1/31/2021 Go to game
Storme, IsakLasaki, Hamed Imani Black wins 11/14/2020 Go to game
Storme, IsakGranath, Andreas White wins 9/21/2020 Go to game
Storme, IsakBerggren Torell, Harald Black wins 11/14/2020 Go to game
Storme, IsakFransson, Claes White defaulted 12/13/2020 Go to game
Storme, IsakWarston, Håkan White defaulted 12/13/2020 Go to game
Warston, HåkanLasaki, Hamed Imani White wins 8/20/2021 Go to game
Warston, HåkanGranath, Andreas White wins 9/26/2020 Go to game
Warston, HåkanBerggren Torell, Harald White wins 1/7/2021 Go to game
Warston, HåkanFransson, Claes Draw 1/20/2021 Go to game
Warston, HåkanStorme, Isak Black defaulted 12/13/2020 Go to game

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