All games from 2020 Herbert W. Gustafson Memorial - Sect 1 with status Finished


Buss, Michael D.Reinhart, Kenneth M. White defaulted 2/21/2021 Go to game
Buss, Michael D.Edwards, K. E. D. G. White defaulted 2/21/2021 Go to game
Buss, Michael D.Deskin, Gary White defaulted 2/21/2021 Go to game
Reinhart, Kenneth M.Buss, Michael D. Black defaulted 2/21/2021 Go to game
Reinhart, Kenneth M.Edwards, K. E. D. G. Draw 2/19/2021 Go to game
Reinhart, Kenneth M.Deskin, Gary Draw 2/19/2021 Go to game
Edwards, K. E. D. G.Buss, Michael D. Black defaulted 2/21/2021 Go to game
Edwards, K. E. D. G.Reinhart, Kenneth M. Draw 12/13/2020 Go to game
Edwards, K. E. D. G.Deskin, Gary Black defaulted 2/21/2021 Go to game
Deskin, GaryBuss, Michael D. Draw 2/18/2021 Go to game
Deskin, GaryReinhart, Kenneth M. Draw 2/19/2021 Go to game
Deskin, GaryEdwards, K. E. D. G. Draw 2/7/2021 Go to game

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