All games from ICCF Aspirers Group 220 with status Finished


Kreveld, Frank vanBarroqueiro, Silverio Black wins 11/28/2020 Go to game
Powers, AidanKreveld, Frank van White wins 12/10/2020 Go to game
Kreveld, Frank vanGhidini, Roberto Black wins 11/27/2020 Go to game
Matos, Bruno Sousa deKreveld, Frank van White wins 12/10/2020 Go to game
Kreveld, Frank vanFletcher, Andrew White wins 3/19/2021 Go to game
Enoksson, BjörnKreveld, Frank van White wins 11/26/2020 Go to game
Barroqueiro, SilverioPowers, Aidan Draw 12/29/2020 Go to game
Ghidini, RobertoBarroqueiro, Silverio Draw 12/3/2020 Go to game
Barroqueiro, SilverioMatos, Bruno Sousa de Draw 12/9/2020 Go to game
Fletcher, AndrewBarroqueiro, Silverio Black wins 2/2/2021 Go to game
Barroqueiro, SilverioEnoksson, Björn White wins 11/28/2020 Go to game
Powers, AidanGhidini, Roberto White wins 12/25/2020 Go to game
Matos, Bruno Sousa dePowers, Aidan Black wins 12/22/2020 Go to game
Powers, AidanFletcher, Andrew White wins 3/19/2021 Go to game
Enoksson, BjörnPowers, Aidan Black wins 12/16/2020 Go to game
Ghidini, RobertoMatos, Bruno Sousa de Draw 1/3/2021 Go to game
Fletcher, AndrewGhidini, Roberto Black wins 3/19/2021 Go to game
Ghidini, RobertoEnoksson, Björn White wins 11/30/2020 Go to game
Matos, Bruno Sousa deFletcher, Andrew White wins 3/19/2021 Go to game
Enoksson, BjörnMatos, Bruno Sousa de Black wins 12/2/2020 Go to game
Fletcher, AndrewEnoksson, Björn Black wins 3/19/2021 Go to game

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