All games from ICCF Aspirers Group 226 with status Finished


Gabbarrini, RobertoShtrikman, Ronen White defaulted 4/28/2021 Go to game
Nikiforov, OleksandrGabbarrini, Roberto White wins 3/27/2021 Go to game
Gabbarrini, RobertoBlanchard, Alan White defaulted 4/28/2021 Go to game
Larsson, BengtGabbarrini, Roberto Black defaulted 4/28/2021 Go to game
Gabbarrini, RobertoIbbitson, Anthony White defaulted 4/28/2021 Go to game
Nale, GabrielGabbarrini, Roberto White defaulted 4/13/2021 Go to game
Shtrikman, RonenNikiforov, Oleksandr Black wins 1/16/2021 Go to game
Blanchard, AlanShtrikman, Ronen Black wins 2/4/2021 Go to game
Shtrikman, RonenLarsson, Bengt White wins 2/2/2021 Go to game
Ibbitson, AnthonyShtrikman, Ronen White wins 3/31/2021 Go to game
Shtrikman, RonenNale, Gabriel Black defaulted 4/13/2021 Go to game
Nikiforov, OleksandrBlanchard, Alan White wins 1/3/2021 Go to game
Larsson, BengtNikiforov, Oleksandr Black wins 1/21/2021 Go to game
Nikiforov, OleksandrIbbitson, Anthony Black wins 1/1/2021 Go to game
Nale, GabrielNikiforov, Oleksandr White defaulted 4/13/2021 Go to game
Blanchard, AlanLarsson, Bengt Black wins 1/20/2021 Go to game
Ibbitson, AnthonyBlanchard, Alan White wins 2/28/2021 Go to game
Blanchard, AlanNale, Gabriel Black defaulted 4/13/2021 Go to game
Larsson, BengtIbbitson, Anthony Black wins 6/4/2021 Go to game
Nale, GabrielLarsson, Bengt White defaulted 4/13/2021 Go to game
Ibbitson, AnthonyNale, Gabriel Black defaulted 4/13/2021 Go to game

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