All games from European Server Championship Open Round 450 with status Finished


Louro, Eugénio DiogoDam, Joost van Draw 5/31/2022 Go to game
Chalmers, WilliamLouro, Eugénio Diogo White defaulted 1/26/2022 Go to game
Louro, Eugénio DiogoMalmström, Jan Black wins 8/19/2022 Go to game
Luzar, BohumírLouro, Eugénio Diogo White wins 3/15/2022 Go to game
Louro, Eugénio DiogoWiesinger, Johann Black wins 2/22/2022 Go to game
Annoni, RiccardoLouro, Eugénio Diogo White wins 12/22/2021 Go to game
Dam, Joost vanChalmers, William Black defaulted 1/26/2022 Go to game
Malmström, JanDam, Joost van Draw 1/19/2022 Go to game
Dam, Joost vanLuzar, Bohumír Draw 3/15/2022 Go to game
Wiesinger, JohannDam, Joost van Draw 3/20/2022 Go to game
Dam, Joost vanAnnoni, Riccardo Black wins 7/12/2022 Go to game
Chalmers, WilliamMalmström, Jan White defaulted 1/26/2022 Go to game
Luzar, BohumírChalmers, William Black defaulted 1/26/2022 Go to game
Chalmers, WilliamWiesinger, Johann White defaulted 1/26/2022 Go to game
Annoni, RiccardoChalmers, William Black defaulted 1/26/2022 Go to game
Malmström, JanLuzar, Bohumír Draw 7/4/2022 Go to game
Wiesinger, JohannMalmström, Jan Black wins 12/8/2022 Go to game
Malmström, JanAnnoni, Riccardo Draw 12/8/2021 Go to game
Luzar, BohumírWiesinger, Johann Black wins 8/28/2022 Go to game
Annoni, RiccardoLuzar, Bohumír Draw 2/2/2022 Go to game
Wiesinger, JohannAnnoni, Riccardo Draw 12/11/2021 Go to game

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