All games from Tournoi 5662 with status Finished


Blondel, FrancisRousselot, Nathan Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Blondel, FrancisSchereck, Viviane Black wins 1/29/2022 Go to game
Blondel, FrancisFlecher, Joseph White wins 12/30/2021 Go to game
Blondel, FrancisGalatola, Alain Draw 2/22/2022 Go to game
Rousselot, NathanBlondel, Francis Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Rousselot, NathanSchereck, Viviane Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Rousselot, NathanFlecher, Joseph Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Rousselot, NathanGalatola, Alain Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Schereck, VivianeBlondel, Francis White wins 1/9/2022 Go to game
Schereck, VivianeRousselot, Nathan Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Schereck, VivianeFlecher, Joseph White wins 1/9/2022 Go to game
Schereck, VivianeGalatola, Alain White wins 3/2/2022 Go to game
Flecher, JosephBlondel, Francis Black wins 12/27/2021 Go to game
Flecher, JosephRousselot, Nathan Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Flecher, JosephSchereck, Viviane Draw 12/28/2021 Go to game
Flecher, JosephGalatola, Alain Draw 2/10/2022 Go to game
Galatola, AlainBlondel, Francis White wins 3/8/2022 Go to game
Galatola, AlainRousselot, Nathan Cancelled 12/28/2021 Go to game
Galatola, AlainSchereck, Viviane Draw 3/26/2022 Go to game
Galatola, AlainFlecher, Joseph Draw 2/10/2022 Go to game

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