All games from Ghana Championship 2006 with status Finished


Sandaogo, EtienneLaba, Mrs. Solange Black wins 1/19/2007 Go to game
Abulisonga, Mrs. CynthiaSandaogo, Etienne Draw 1/5/2007 Go to game
Sandaogo, EtienneQuansah, Mrs. Grace Black wins 3/12/2007 Go to game
Akoibilla, Mrs. LaadiSandaogo, Etienne Draw 12/28/2006 Go to game
Sandaogo, EtienneSanogo, Steven Y. White wins 2/6/2007 Go to game
Odonkor, Mrs. BeatriceSandaogo, Etienne Black wins 4/12/2007 Go to game
Sandaogo, EtienneJacobsen, Ole Black wins 11/28/2006 Go to game
Laba, Mrs. SolangeAbulisonga, Mrs. Cynthia White wins 1/5/2007 Go to game
Quansah, Mrs. GraceLaba, Mrs. Solange Draw 1/10/2007 Go to game
Laba, Mrs. SolangeAkoibilla, Mrs. Laadi White wins 1/18/2007 Go to game
Sanogo, Steven Y.Laba, Mrs. Solange Black wins 2/1/2007 Go to game
Laba, Mrs. SolangeOdonkor, Mrs. Beatrice White wins 4/12/2007 Go to game
Jacobsen, OleLaba, Mrs. Solange Draw 12/17/2006 Go to game
Abulisonga, Mrs. CynthiaQuansah, Mrs. Grace Draw 1/9/2007 Go to game
Akoibilla, Mrs. LaadiAbulisonga, Mrs. Cynthia Draw 12/17/2006 Go to game
Abulisonga, Mrs. CynthiaSanogo, Steven Y. Draw 1/10/2007 Go to game
Odonkor, Mrs. BeatriceAbulisonga, Mrs. Cynthia Draw 1/19/2007 Go to game
Abulisonga, Mrs. CynthiaJacobsen, Ole Black wins 12/17/2006 Go to game
Quansah, Mrs. GraceAkoibilla, Mrs. Laadi White wins 1/5/2007 Go to game
Sanogo, Steven Y.Quansah, Mrs. Grace Black wins 2/23/2007 Go to game
Quansah, Mrs. GraceOdonkor, Mrs. Beatrice Draw 1/18/2007 Go to game
Jacobsen, OleQuansah, Mrs. Grace White wins 2/23/2007 Go to game
Akoibilla, Mrs. LaadiSanogo, Steven Y. White wins 1/19/2007 Go to game
Odonkor, Mrs. BeatriceAkoibilla, Mrs. Laadi Draw 1/19/2007 Go to game
Akoibilla, Mrs. LaadiJacobsen, Ole Black wins 12/29/2006 Go to game
Sanogo, Steven Y.Odonkor, Mrs. Beatrice White wins 4/12/2007 Go to game
Jacobsen, OleSanogo, Steven Y. White wins 1/18/2007 Go to game
Odonkor, Mrs. BeatriceJacobsen, Ole Black wins 2/6/2007 Go to game

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